Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 10, p. 266
18 Mar 1822
For the sum of $400, Christian Horlochor sold to his son, Jacob Horlochor, a tract of land in Cabarrus Co. described as follows … “on the waters of Adams Creek, being a tract taken off his [Christian Horlochor] tract beginning at a pine on corner of Daniel Dry’s then N35E 142 poles to a persimmon at corner of said Dry’s & Michael Shimpock’s line then S47E 45 poles to a Black Oak on corner of said Shimpock & Jacob Miller, then N55E 34 poles to a Black Oak on Jacob Miller’s line & a corner of David Horlechor’s line then S5E 40 poles to a small hickory on corner of D. Horleochor’s, then S58E 50 poles to a stake in said D. Horelchor’s line & a corner of Christian Horlochor, then S34W 60 [poles] to a stake by the Charlestown road at corner of said Christian Horlochor then S84W 168 poles to a stake in the state road then up said road to the beginning, containing one hundred acres. Recorded Sep 1825″
This tract of land was located on the east side of the Concord/Salisbury Rd. [N. Main St.] and composed most of what is today the area on the east side of N. Main St. extending from E. Franklin to, and possibly beyond, Walnut St.
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 10, p. 321
25 Jul 1823
For the sum of $200 William Waggoner sold to Michael Shimpock twenty-eight acres of land described as: adjoining Jacob Hollacher lands and Shimpock, beginning at a persimmon [tree] running ten S35W 34 poles to two hickories, then the division line between that tract & Waggoner’s other tract, then N47W 96 poles, bj oak [tree], then N35E 34 poles to the beginning . . .” This land adjoined the land from the deed above [10-266].
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 11, p. 472
9 Jun 1827
William Wagner sold to John Kindley an eighty-three acre tract of land on the waters of Adams Creek “beginning at a post oak on Jacob Misenheimer’s line, thence S15W 8 poles to a post oak, thence due South 31 poles to a pine Misenheimer’s corner, thence S56W 30 poles to a black jack oak, Misenheimer’s corner, thence S65E 176 poles to a stake Christopher Rinehart’s corner, thence N16W 52 poles to black jack oak Rinehardt’s corner, thence S88E 23 poles to a pine Rinehardt’s corner, thence N55E 72 poles to a hickory Rinehardt and Hurlocker’s corner, thence due East? 49 poles to a black jack oak, thence N65W 53 poles to a post oak, thence to the beginning…”
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 11, pg. 449
7 Oct 1831
Christopher Rinehart sold to Daniel Walcher for $25 a three acre tract on Adams Creek near the Fayetteville/Charleston Crossroads [Mt. Pleasant] described as “beginning at a white oak near where the Fayetteville Rd & Charlestown Rd cross, then N5E 35 poles to a red oak on Christian Horlechor’s line, then with said line S55W 33 poles to a post oak [on] Horlechor’s corner, then S55E 30 poles & 10 links to the beginning.” Witnessed by Jacob Williams. This was the location of store built by Daniel Walker that became the Post Office known as “Walker’s Store.
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 12, pg. 202
15 Jan 1833
Christopher Rinehart sold to Paul Barringer for $40 a two acre tract on the waters of Adams Creek “beginning at a red oak Daniel Walker’s & Christopher Hollockers corner, then S4W 39 poles and 10 links to a stake near the crossroads [Charleston Rd. &Fayetteville Rd], then S40E 75 poles and 3 links to a stake, then N4E 42 polles to a stake, then N 84W 75 poles and 3 links to the beginning. This sale also included all the woods, ways, water courses and all and every appurtenances there into belonging or in any ??? appertaining and the reversion and reversions remanders and reveranders rents ??? and the profits of the aforesaid lands and premises and every part thereof …” This tract of land was on the northeast corner of the Charleston/Fayetteville crossroads [See Historic MP #50]. This property was sold to John Shimpock & Christopher Melchor in 1845 [See CDB 15, p. 384 below].
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 12, p. 452
15 Feb 1833
Christian Horlocker sold for $200 to Jacob Williams a sixty acre tract of land described as “on the waters of Adams Creek beginning at Daniel M. Walker’s corner, then with his line S58W 46 poles to a dogwood stake in Walker’s corner on Christopher Rinehardt’s line, thence with his line S20W 4 poles to a stake in John Kindley’s corner and Rinehardt’s line, thence due West 8 poles to a large poplar Jacob Williams’ corner and Rinehardt’s line, thence N57W 70 poles to a post oak Jacob Hollocker’s corner and William’s line, then N84E 142 poles to a stone Jacob Hollocker’s corner near the Charleston Rd., then down the center of the road to the beginning.” This land appears to have been located on the west side of current N. Main St. in MP north of present Elm St. and was contiguous with the tract below.
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 12, p. 239
24 Sep 1833
John Kindley sold to Christopher Rinehardt for $450 the eighty-three acre tract he had purchased from William Wagner in 1827 (CDB 11, p. 472). At this time the property was described as near Jacob Williams’ corner.
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 12, p. 250
27 Jul 1834
Jacob Williams sold for $150 to Daniel M. Walker a fifty acre tract of land “on the waters of Adams Creek, “beginning at a hickory near the Charleston Rd. Daniel M. Walker’s corner, then with his line S58W 46 poles to a stake said Walker’s corner on Christopher Rinehardt’s line then with said line N50W 7 poles to a stake at the corner of the fence, then with said fence N41E 60 poles to stake on Jacob Hollocker’s line, then with said Hollocker’s line N84E 61 poles to a stake Jacob Hollocker’s corner side of the Charleston Rd. then down the said road to the beginning.” This is the land (plus seven acres) that Daniel Walker sold to Isaac Moose in 1845 [CD 18, p. 30] and that Moose sold to Mathias Barrier in 1853 [CDB 22, p. 373].
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 12, pg. 464
10 Jun 1835
Christopher Rinehart sold to John Scott for $200 a 19.99 acre tract on Dutch Buffalo Creek described as “beginning at a stake near the cross roads Paul Barringer’s corner then to the center of Fayetteville Rd. S63E 46 poles to a stake on Jeremiah Blackwelder’s line N5E 99 poles to a pine on Blackwelder’s & Christian Holacker’s corner, then with Holackers line S55W 55 poles to a stake, D. M. Walker’s corner then S5W 48 1/2 poles to the beginning.”
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 12, p. 468
14 Jan 1836
Jacob Williams sold to John O. Wallace for $134 seventeen acres of land in Mt. Pleasant described as “beginning at a stake in the Fayetteville Rd, Jacob Hurlocker’s corner, thence S51E 72 poles to a large poplar [on] C. Rinehart’s corner, thence N80E 18 poles to a hickory Rinehart’s corner, thence N35E 6 poles to a dogwood said Rinehart’s corner on Walker’s line, thence with said Walker’s line N45W 4 poles to a persimmon bush said Walker’s corner, thence with Walker’s N35E 60 poles to a stake on Hurlocker’s line, thence with said line to the beginning.” [On 12 Mar 1841 John O. Wallace sold this land to Michael Cook, CDB 15, p. 55]. [On 12 Dec 1851, Michael Cook sold this land to his brother, Matthew Cook, CDB 49, p. 438. The deed was not recorded until 1894 after the death of Matthew Cook.]
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 12, p. 524
30 Jun 1836
Daniel M. Walker transferred to the Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church of the Counties of Montgomery and Cabarrus, ie. Michael Shimpock, John McMaken, B. H. Carter. E. C. Smith & Henry Hooks, a 1/4 acre lot described as “beginning at an oak thence N50W 6 poles to a stake thence S40W 5 poles to a stake on Christopher Rinehardt’s line, thence with aid sine S50E 6 poles to a stake on his line, thence N40E 5 poles to the beginning. … that they (the Trustees) shall erect, build or cause to be built, ceded or located there on a House or place of worship for the use of the ministers of the Methodist Episcopal Church ...” This appears to have been a lot located near the present location of Mt. Pleasant Methodist Church but there is no record of any church being built until 1847 when additional adjacent land was purchased from Isaac Moose & Jacob Ludwig [See CDB 78, pp. 499 & 500, below].
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 15, p. 43
12 Mar 1841
John O. Wallace sold to Michael Cook for $300 a ¾ acre lot in Mt. Pleasant described as “beginning at a stake Matthew Petrea’s corner on Wallace line on the west side of the Salisbury Rd. thence down said road with Walker’s line S3W 18 1/2 poles to a stake G. W. Scott’s corner on Walker’s line formerly John Shimpock’s thence S87E 7 poles five feet to a stake, thence S81?E 20 poles to a stone near the hollow above the spring, thence N20E 10 poles 10 links to a stone, thence with Petrea’s line N87W 7 1/2 poles to the beginning.” [On 12 Dec 1851, Michael Cook sold this lot to his brother, Matthew Cook, [CDB 49-442]. The deed was not recorded until 1894 after the death of Matthew Cook.] [See also CDB 54, p. 218 below]
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 15, p. 54
12 Mar 1841
John O. Wallace sold to Michael Cook for $300 a 68 3/4 sq pole lot in Mt. Pleasant described as “beginning at a white oak near the Charleston Rd., D. M. Walker’s corner, thence N57W 20 poles to a stake on said Walker’s line, thence S40W 2 poles to a stake in the Morganton Rd., thence S53E 22 poles 7 links to a stake near the Charleston Rd., thence N4E 4 1/2 poles to the beginning.” [On 17 Dec 1851, Michael Cook sold this lot to his brother, Matthew Cook, [CDB 49, p. 440]. The deed was not recorded until 1894 after the death of Matthew Cook.] [This lot appears to be the lot on which the old Cook & Ludwig Store (later Heilig’s Store) was located.] On 6 Mar 1899 P. A. Barrier, commissioner appointed by the Court, sold to James P. Cook a lot similar in description to this property [See CDB 54, p. 218 & CDB 59, p. 338 below].
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 41, p 532
2 May 1841
Sterling Smith of Cabarrus Co. NC sold to N. C. Parham of Cabarrus Co. for $25 a one-half acre lot described as “beginning at a stake on Wallace’s line & Petrea’s corner thence with Petrea’s line S87E 11 poles & 17 links with Wallace’s line to his corner on Walker’s line, thence due South 16 poles to the beginning.” Witnessed by D. M. Walker and J. B.. Young. [This deed was not registered until 26 Dec 1885.] [See CDB 17, p. 62, below].
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 15, p. 94
13 Mar 1843
On 27 Jan 1843 at public auction, Jacob Misenheimer, trustee of Jeremiah Blackwelder, sold to Michael Cook for $261 a 186 acre tract of land described as “beginning at a red oak runs thence S9E 64 poles to a post oak (or white oak) thence N68W 108 poles to a pine Jacob Miller’s corner then S55E 96 1/4 poles to a hickory, thence N50W 90 poles to a pine, thence S20E 118 poles to a post oak, then S13E 106 poles to a black oak, thence N29E 208 poles to a post oak at a spring, thence to the beginning.” On 12 Dec 1851, Michael Cook sold this land to his brother Matthew Cook, [CDB 49, 441]. The deed was not recorded until 1894 after the death of Matthew Cook.
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 17, p. 62
15 Apr 1843
L. B. Krimminger, Sheriff of Cabarrus Co., to recover a tax debt of $13.17 owed by N. C. Parham sold at auction to Michael Cook of Cabarrus Co. for $92 a house and two acre lot in Mt. Pleasant described as “bounded on the West by the Salisbury Rd., South by Mathew Petrea, North by John O. Wallace.” [See CDB 41, p. 532, above]. [When Michael Cook sold his land in MP to his brother, Matthew Cook, this lot did not appear in any of the deeds, however, based on the short descriptions from CDB 41, p. 532 and this deed, the lot appears to be the location of a house occupied by Matthew Cook by 1850.]
Unrecorded Deed in possession of Ludwig family
On 27 Apr 1844 Christopher Rinehart sold to Paul Rinehart (his son), for $400 a 103.5 tract of land in Cabarrus described as follows: Being in County of Cabarrus on the waters of Adams Creek, “beginning at a dogwood, D. M. Walker’s & M. Cook’s corners, thence S50E 96 poles to a stake, thence S55W 2 poles to a post oak, thence S57E 11 poles & 15 links to a stake, thence S40W 2 poles to a stake, thence S54E 22 poles and 7 links to a stake, thence S62E 7.5 poles to a stake, thence S64E 45.5 poles to a stake, thence S6W 19 poles to a pine stump formerly a pine tree, thence S30W 120 poles to a black oak, thence N25W 52 poles to a sour oak, thence N33 1/2W 179 poles to a stake, thence N48E 50 poles to a hickory, thence N45E 6 poles to the beginning.” This tract was surveyed by P. B. C. Smith on 2 Mar 1844 with the first three lines of this tract, beginning at the black oak, surveyed and plotted by Jacob Williams in 1836. In 1846 Paul Rinehardt sold a small portion of this tract to C. A. Misenheimer and M. W. Widenhouse [See CDB 15, p. 501 below]. In 1847 Rinehardt sold eighty-eight acres of the tract to Jacob Ludwig [See CDB 18, p. 131].
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 15, p, 384
15 Apr 1845
D. M. Barringer and Rufus Barringer executors of the estate of Paul Barringer, sold for $251 to John Shimpock and Christopher Melchor, “all the interest of P. Barringer in a tract of two acres in [the village of Mt. Pleasant] purchased by said P. Barringer from Christopher Rinehardt on the 15th of June, 1833, except that has been sold by him to D. M. Miller, John Shimpock and others the remaining interest in said two acres being hereby conveyed.”
Cabarrus Deed Book 18, p. 30
In 1845 Isaac Moose purchased fifty-seven acres of land from Daniel Walker. This land composed most of the property in what was to be the northwest quadrant of Mt. Pleasant when it was incorporated in 1859. The deed describing the land reads as follows … “This Indenture made the 4th of December in the year or our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-five between Daniel M. Walker of the County of Cabarrus in the State of North Carolina of the one part and Isaac Moose of the County of Cabarrus & State of North Carolina of the other part: Witnesseth that the said D. M. Walker for & in consideration of the some of six hundred dollars to him in hand paid by the said Isaac Moose the receipt ???? hereby acknowledged hath given, granted, bargained & sold alined & confirmed and by these presents doth give, grant, bargain and sell assign & confirm unto the said Isaac Moose, his heirs and assigns forever all that tract, piece or parcel of land situated lying & being in the County of Cabarrus in the State of North Carolina on the waters of Adams Creek beginning at a white oak on the Fayetteville road & Charleston road crosses – thence North 40E 35 poles to a Red oak Dr. E. Smith’s line, thence with Jacob Hollocher line to a Hickory on the Charleston road, thence with said Hollocher’s line to a stake Hollocher’s corner near the School House then with said Hollocher’s line to a corner of Mathew Cook’s, thence with Cook’s line North 41E 60 poles to a stake on Paul Rinehart’s corner then with his line North 50W 4 poles to a dogwood, thence to Rinehart’s line North 50 West 75 poles to a stake on the Morganton road, thence with said line South 55E 30 poles 10 links to the beginning – containing 57 acres more or less.” Recorded 28 Jun 1847
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 15, p. 501
On 12 Jun 1846, for the sum of $100, Paul Rinehardt, son of Christopher Rinehardt, sold to C. A. Misenheimer and M. W. Widenhouse a tract of land in Mt. Pleasant totaling 87 sq. poles. This land appears to be part of the tract that Rinehardt purchased from his father in 1844. It was adjacent to the tract that Christopher Rinehardt sold to Paul Barringer in 1833 [See 11-202 above] and which Paul Barringer’s heirs later sold to John Shimpock and Monroe Melchor [in 1845]. Based on later deeds this appears to be a portion of the lot on which the old Misenheimer store was built (See 19-481 below] “Beginning at a stake at Melchors & Shimpock’s corner near C. A. Misenheimer dwelling house thence with his line on Rinehardt’s old line S64E 9 poles & 9 links to a stake in the Morganton Road in said line, thence S25W 7 poles & 14 links to a stake thence N61W 11 poles & 3 links to a stake, thence N3E 7 poles & 17 links to a stake in the line of Melchor & Shimpock’s lot & in Rinehardt’s own line then S62E 4 poles & 2 links to the beginning.”
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 18, p. 131
On 21 Aug 1847, for the sum of $425, Paul Rinehardt sold to Jacob Ludwick a tract of land in Mt. Pleasant totaling 88 1/2 acres. This land was part of Rinehardt’s inheritance from his father, Christopher Rinehardt, and appears to have been located in Mt. Pleasant, north & east of the Albermarle Road and bordering a lot which Rinehardt sold to C. A. Misenheimer & M. W. Widenhouse in 1846 [See 15-501 above]. The tract was described as follows … “beginning at a dogwood Cook’s & Mooses corner thence S50E 96 poles to a stake, thence S55W 2 poles to a Post Oak, thence S57E 11 poles and 15 links, thence S40W 2 poles to a stake thence S53E 22 poles and links to a stake thence S62E 3 poles and 10 links to a stake at corner of Widenhouse & Misenheimer’s lot thence with their line S3W 7 poles and 17 links to a stake at Widenhouse & Misenheimer’s and Stedman’s corner thence with Stedman’s line S31/2W 14 poles & 14 links to a stake in Stedman’s corner thence S11E 44 poles to a stake Stedman’s corner, thence S1 1/2W 14 poles 14 links to a stake in Stedman’s corner thence ?31W 36 poles to a black oak N25W 52 poles to a Spanish Oak thence N33W 178 poles to a stake thence N48E 50 poles to a hickory, thence N45E 6 poles to the beginning.”
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 19, p. 27
On 21 Aug 1847, Jacob Ludwick sold to Mathew Cook for the sum of $150, a tract of land in Mt. Pleasant totaling 147 sq. poles … “Beginning at a stake in the Road a little south of Paul Rinehart’s dwelling house in Mt. Pleasant [at] Steadman’s & Ludwick’s own corner, thence N80W 6 poles & 9 links to a stone, thence S23 h1/2W 16 poles to a pine, thence N11W 13 poles & 8 links to the beginning including the Gin house, containing 147 poles more or less.” Recorded 20 Nov 1851.
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 78, p. 499
17 Sep 1847
Jacob Ludwick sold to the Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church, ie. Martin H. Carter, Michael Shimpock, John Eagle, John Kindley and Paul B. C. Smith, for $8.12 a lot near the village of Mt. Pleasant described as “beginning at a stake in Moose’s line 2 poles from the southwest corner of the M. E. Church lot then S37W 21 poles crossing the great road (Concord Rd.) to a stone in Moose’s line, then S53E 13 poles to a stone, then N39E 19 poles & 15 links crossing said road to a stone in Moose’s line, then N47 1/2W 13 poles & 5 links to the beginning, containing one acre and 103 sq poles.” This lot was adjacent to the lot below.
CDB 78, p. 500
14 Feb 1848
Isaac Moose sold to the Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church, ie. Martin H. Carter, Michael Shimpock, John Eagle, John Kindley and Paul B. C. Smith, for $337.50 a lot near the village of Mt. Pleasant described as “beginning at a stake a corner of the graveyard or church lot, Jacob Ludwick’s corner, then N37 1/2E 10 4/5 poles to two pine bushes, then N44W 12 poles to a stake a corner of the M. E. Church lot, then with said lot three lines N40E 5 poles to a stake, then S50E 6 poles to a red oak, then S40W 5 poles to a stake, then S50E 5 poles & 3 links to the beginning, containing 108 sq. poles.” This lot appears to have been directly adjacent to a 1/4 acre lot that the Trustees had purchased from Daniel Walker in 1836 [See CDB 12, p. 524]. This deed and the deed above were not registered until 1914.
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 42, p. 117
20 May 1848
Jacob Hurlocker sold to Laban Petrea, his son-in-law, for $17.50 a 3 1/2 acre lot in the village of Mt. Pleasant described as … “Beginning at a hickory on the west side of the Salisbury Rd., Dr. McEachern’s corner then with two of his lines S65E 25 poles crossing the road to a stake his [McEachern’s] corner then S4W 5 poles to a stone his other corner in Petrea’s line then with said Petrea’s line N37E 7 poles to pine stump Petrea’s and Cook’s corner then N20 1/2W 6 poles and 16 links to a SO then S79W 51 poles 15 links crossing the road to the beginning.” Chainbearers were P. B. C. Smith and Matthew Petrea.
On 26 Feb 1857, Petrea sold this land to Dr. John L. Henderson for $51.75 [CDB 42, p. 123].
On 16 Feb 1869, Dr. Henderson sold this lot to E. D. Lentz for $227 [CDB 23, p. 133]
On 13 Feb 1902, the heirs of E. D. Lentz transferred a 1 acre portion of this lot to Francis Petrea, widow of Laban Petrea, described as … “beginning at a wild cherry on the north edge of the street [Walnut St.] leading to the Reformed Cemetery, Reformed and school lot corner and runs with May Jackson’ old line N891/2W 25 4/5 poles to a stone in a ditch, widow Dreher’s corner, then with her line S11E 12 1/3 poles? to a stone Dreher’s corner, then with Daniel Barrier’s line due East 2 poles? to a stone Barrier’s corner then N59 3/4E 25 1/2 poles? to the beginning .” [CDB 57, p. 488].
On 18 Apr 1925 Norfleeet Petrea, son of the deceased Francis Petrea, purchased the lot for $10 from his siblings [CDB 102, p. 584].
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 19, p. 493
23 May 1853
Isaac Moose sold to John M. Cook a 30 sq. pole tract of land in “the Village of Mt. Pleasant” described as follows “beginning at stake at SE corner of M. Petra’s shop lot thence N86W 4 poles & 15 1/2 links to a stone, then S?W 6 poles 4 links to stake, thence N?E 5 poles & 1 link to a stake in the street, thence N40E 6 poles 8 links then to the beginning. Containing 30 sq. poles ..” Recorded 1 Mar 1855.
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 22, p. 373
23 May 1853
Isaac Moose sold to Mathias Barrier a tract of land in Mt. Pleasant described as follows “beginning at a White oak between Cook & Melchor stores, thence N40E 16 poles 4 links to a stake in street J. M. Cook’s corner then N_W 5 poles 1 link to stake in Cook’s Corner then N_E 6 poles 4 links to a stone Cook’s other corner then S86E 22 1/2 poles to stake M. Petrea’s corner thence N40E 4 poles 18 links to a stake in Petrea’s other corner then S86E 3 poles 17 links to a stake in said Petrea’s corner then N40E 7 poles & 13 links to a large Red Oak on the west side of the street then N20E 31 poles to a hickory on W. R. Kindley’s corner then N2 1/4W 7 poles to a stake Hurlocker’s corner then S85W 60 poles to stake on Hurlocker’s line then S40W 60 poles to a stake then S50E 4 poles to a dogwood Jacob Ludwig’s corner then S47 1/2E 66 poles to a stone at the corner of church lot then N43E 11 poles & 7 links to a stone corner of said lot then S44E 12 poles to 2 pines then S37 1/2W 104/5 poles to a stone at corner of said lot & Lefler’s corner then S47 1/2E 16 poles & 7 links to a stake then S55W 2 poles to a Post Oak then S57E 30 poles & 15 links to beginning… Containing 51 acres …” Recorded 17 Sep 1869
This tract of land is described in an 1850 survey that is the earliest map of Mt. Pleasant thus far known. The the land made up most of the northwestern quadrant of the village of Mt. Pleasant between current N. Main St. and W. Franklin St. Mathias Barrier built his residence on the western edge of the tract and in 1858 he sold sixteen acres of the tract to the Board of Directors of the Western Carolina Male Academy for the establishment of a Lutheran Academy [See CDB 21, p. 38 below]
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 23, p. 17
21 Oct 1854
Daniel Miller sold to the #26 School District Committee (Daniel Barrier, Daniel Shimpock and M. M. Misenheimer) for $1 a parcel of land “for the purpose of erecting a suitable building for a common school.” The land was described as “beginning at a red oak Daniel Shimpock and J. D. Scheck’s corner, thence N59E 33 poles crossing the Salisbury Rd. to a red oak said Scheck’s and M. Petrea’s corner on the east side of the road, thence N38W 8 poles to a stone on the west side of road, thence S71W 24 poles to a stone on said Shimpock’s line, thence S6W 14 poles to the beginning containing one acre and 111 sq poles.”
On 23 Dec 1901, Rev. Paul Barringer purchased this tract of land from the Cabarrus County Board of Education consisting of James P. Cook, D. J. Little, W. F. Smith and Charles Boger (Sec) [CDB 58, p.166]. The tract was adjacent to or very near Barringer’s home on N. Main St. in MP and an updated description referenced adjoining the land of Daniel Shimpock, Rev. J. A. Linn, and land owned by W. G. Barringer.
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 41, p. 534
4 Dec 1854
John H. Miller sold to John L. Henderson for $825 a 9 3/4 acre tract of land in the village of Mt. Pleasant described as “beginning at a stone in a line of the John M. Cook lot, thence N6E 54 poles & 20 links to a pine stump Laban Petrea, Cook’s and Scheck’s corner, thence S59W 50 poles & 7 links to as sassafras in Wm. R. Kindley’s line, thence S84W 18 poles & 19 links to a stake or stone, thence N74W 9 poles & 5 links to a stone, thence N84W 2 poles & 8 links to a stake, thence S4W 2 poles & 10 links to the beginning.”
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 19, p. 481
15 Dec 1854
W. W. Reed sold to J. J. Misenheimer, for $282.50 a 12 1/2 sq pole lot in the village of Mt. Pleasant described as beginning at a stake in the line of Widenhouse & Misenheimer Store lot, thence N88 1/2W 3 poles & 23 links to a stake, thence S1/2W 3 poles to a stake, thence S88 1/2E 3 poles & 23 links to a stake in Widenhouse & Misenheimer’s line 11 links north from their corner, thence with their line N3E 3 poles & 1 link to the beginning. Witnessed by Jacob Ludwig and C. P. Cox.
Unrecorded Deeds from records of Mont Amonea Seminary (1856-1898).
29 Mar 1856
The trail of the property upon which the Mont Amoena Female Seminaries were built begins with the sale of a twenty-six sq pole lot in the village of Mt. Pleasant by J. J. Misenheimer to Charles Klutts for $32.50. The lot was described as “beginning at a stone in the street in or near Jacob Ludwick’s line then S71E 20 poles & 11 links to a stone J. J. Misenheimer’s own corner, then N58W 5 poles & 16 links to a stone, thence N70W 15 poles & 7 links to a stone in the street, then S3 1/2W 8 poles & 15 links to the beginning.”
Charles Kluttz appears to have acquired additional property adjacent to this lot by 1857 (no deeds exist).
On 16 Dec 1857 Charles Kluttz sold to Jacob Foil (of Rowan County) for $1,242 a 137 sq pole lot which combined the above lot with an additional lot described as “beginning at a stone in the street in or near a line of Cook’s gin house lot, then S81E 18 poles & 4 links to a stone in J. J. Misenheimer’s line, then N10E 3 poles & 24 links, said Misenheimer’s corner, then N58W 5 poles & 16 links to a stone, then N70W 15 poles & 7 links to a stone in the street, then S3 1/2W 1 pole & 13 links to a stone then S5E 7 poles & 23 links to the beginning.
On 23 Sep 1858 Jacob Foil of Rowan County sold to William Smith for $2,183 the 137 sq pole lot. Smith either built a house on the lot or occupied one already on the property as:
On 23 Apr 1859 William Smith sold to the Trustees of Montamoena Female Seminary for $2,500 the 137 sq pole lot and a house. The Trustees named in the deed were D. H. Bittle, J. E. McEachern, M. Misenheimer, Moses Barrier, John A. Troutman, George A. Bost, Martin S. Bost, Alexander Foil, Michael Parman (Garma), and J. Ludwick. L. G. Heilig signed for the BoT. [Other members of the Board of Trustees not signing the deed included Rev. G. D. Bernheim and J. J. Misenheimer].
On 2 Apr 1863 the Board of Trustees sold the house and lot for $2,150 to John A. Troutman. Troutman was a member of the board.
On 12 Aug 1863 John A. Troutman sold the property for $2,300 to Alfred Smith of Columbus Co. NC.
On 14 Mar 1864 Alfred Smith sold the property to Dr. P. J. A. Haines for $5,000.
On 30 Jul 1866 Dr. Haines leased the property (for one year) to Rev. G. D. Bernheim of Mecklenburg Co. NC. In August, 1867 the property and all of the equipment of the school was advertised for sale by (Alexander) Foil & (John M.) Harkey, Co. It was still owned by Haines.
On 29 Aug 1867, Rev. Bernheim bought the property from Dr. Haines for $2,250.
On 11 Sep 1869, Rev. Bernheim sold the property to the North Carolina Lutheran Synod for $2,000.
On 11 Jun 1897 Rev. C. L. T. Fisher, Principal of Mont Amoena, sold two lots to the Mont Amoena Board of Trustees and the NC Lutheran Synod for $150. These lots totaled 40.3 sq poles and were located on the north and south sides of the existing school building [CDB 53, p. 158].
On 31 May 1898, Rev. George H. Cox, on behalf of the Board of Trustees of Mont Amoena Seminary and the NC Lutheran Synod, received a loan (mortgage) on the property in the amount of $1,473.43 from the North Carolina College Board of Trustees, Jonas Cook, Treasurer. [The loan was not repaid until 1912 with funds from the campaign to rebuild the Seminary after it burned.] [See later deeds]
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 41, p. 309
On 18 Sep 1857
For the sum of $1,300, Monroe Melchor sold to L. G. Heilig a tract of land in Mt. Pleasant described as follows “all that tract or parcel of land, lying in the County of Cabarrus and the State of North Carolina in the village of Mt. Pleasant being my interest of the remainder of two acres purchased by P. Barringer from C. Rinehardt and sold by R. Barringer and D. M. Barringer, Esq., to John Shimpock & Christopher Melchor adjoining John Shimpock & L. G. Heilig containing one half acre more or less.” This appears to be the land or a portion of the land on which L. G. Heilig built his residence on E. Franklin St. in 1858.
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 41, p. 416
22 Sep 1857
J. M. Harkey purchased from Mathew Cook for $500 a tract of land in Mt. Pleasant described as “Beginning at a stake [at] Mathias Barrier & J. L. Henderson’s corner, thence with Henderson’s Line S87E 11 poles & 17 links to a stake on said Henderson’s line thence N5E 16 poles to a stake J. J. Misenheimer’s corner, thence W87E 11 poles 17 links with Misenheimer’s line to his corner on Barrier’s line, thence South16 poles to the beginning, containing one-half acre more or less.”
Cabarrus Deed Book 41, p. 299
4 Mar 1858
M. A. Barringer sold to J. J. Misenheimer and Jacob Ludwick for $414.60 a two acre tract of land in Mt. Pleasant described as beginning at a stake NE corner, formerly George Dry’s (dec’d) lot, thence S23W 13 pole & 19 links to a stake, thence S64E ?? poles to W. Peacock’ corner, thence with Peacock’s line to a stake or stone in the Albemarle Rd., Haines’ line, thence with said road to the beginning. Witnessed by C. P. Cox and K. M. Cox.
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 21, p. 38
On 30 Jun 1858, Matthias Barrier sold to the Board of Directors of Western Carolina Academy a tract of land in the village of Mt. Pleasant described as follows:
“State of North Carolina
Cabarrus County
This Indenture made this the 30th day of June AD 1858 between Matthias Barrier of said State and County of the first part: and Christopher Melchor President of the Board of Directors of the Western North Carolina Academy and Josesph A. Linn,; Simeon Scherer, L. C. Groseclose; William G. Harter, Samuel Rothrock, John D. Sheck, Charles L. Parter, Caleb Heilig, Daniel Barrier and John Shimpock of the Western North Carolina Academy of the second part, witnesseth that the said party of the first part … for and in consideration of the sum of eighty one dollars and twenty five cents to him in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged doth this day bargained, sold and conveyed, al… confirmed and … and doth hereby bargain sell convey al… confirm and … to the said parties of the second part and their successors in office all that tract or parcel of land located in the village of Mount Pleasant in the County aforesaid and adjoining the lands of the said party of the first part, William R. Kinley and others, containing sixteen and a quarter acres be the same more or less and bounded as follows to wit:
Beginning at a stone on the said W. R. Kinley’s line thence .. .the ends and purposes fair, fully and truly for which said Institution was projected as set foth in the Constitution accepted and published by said Religious Society. An in further trust to the said parties of the second part to convey the sum that is to say the lands herein upon described and the right of way here … conveyed by such title and with such obligations as said lands together with said right of way have been and are hereby conveyed, to any heirs, or persons or corporation that may at anytime here after be designated by said North Carolina Evangelical Lutheran Synod either by a committee appointed for that purpose or by any other means of signifying their wishes said Religious Society may ask of it. The testimony whereof the said party of first part hath this day herewith signed his name and affixed his seal.
Signed sealed
and delivered in the presence of
Mathias Barrier
John L. Henderson
Robt. Edom
State of North Carolina Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Cabarrus County April Term 1860.
I Nelson Stough Clerk of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of the County and State aforesaid do hereby certify that the execution of the written and foregoing Decel was duly acknowledged before me in open Court by the grantor let it be registered together with this certificate.
Nelson Stough Clerk
North Carolina
Cabarrus County
J. R. Winecoff, Registrar do hereby certify that the foregoing deed came to hand for Registery May 5th 1860 and was also duly Registered in [this] office. Book No 21 and Page 38.
R. Winecoff, Regis.”
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 20, p. 556
9 Apr 1859
John D. Scheck sold to Daniel Miller for $2,000 a house and 96 acres of land described as “beginning at a hickory on the west side of the Salisbury Rd., thence N2W 71 1/2 poles to a stake J. A. Linn’s corner, thence S85W 23 poles to two persimmons, thence N12E 12 poles to a cedar B. Rogers corner, thence N84 1/2E 22 poles to a stake, thence S2E 10 poles to a stake, thence N34E 2 poles & 15 links to a stone in he middle of the public road, thence N61 1/2E 2 poles to a stone in the lane, thence N56E 44 3/4 poles to a stone in the lane on M. Petrea’s line, thence S57E 85 1/2 poles to a stone formerly a stake M. Petrea’s corner, thence N44E 35 poles to a hickory John Shimpock’s corner, thence S10W 147 poles to a pine down, thence S55W 10 poles to a hickory John Shimpock’s & M. Cook’s corner, thence N48W 91 poles to a pine stump, thence N20 1/2W 6 poles & 16 links to a Spanish oak, thence S79W 51 poles & 15 links to the beginning.” Three days after purchasing this land Daniel Miller sold it to John Shimpock for the same price of $2,000. [CDB 22, p. 215]. [See Historic MP #9]
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book #21, p. 44
25 Mar 1860
J. J. Misenheimer sold to G. D. Bernheim for $250 a 74 sq pole lot in Mt. Pleasant described as “beginning at a red oak in Mathias Barrier’s line on the west side of the Salisbury Rd., thence S4W 2 poles & 20 links to a stake in said line, thence S85E 11 poles & 19 links crossing the road to a stake in Dr. J. L. Henderson’s line, thence N5E 6 poles & 16 links to a stake, thence N88W 11 poles & 19 links crossing the road to a stake in M. Barrier’s line, thence S2W 3 poles & 7 links to the beginning.” This is the lot where Rev. Bernheim built a house that was used as a residence for local ministers and was later a boarding house owned by Martha Dreher. [See Historic MP #24 & CDB #85, p. 237 below].
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 21, p. 47
14 Apr 1860
John Shimpock sold to Daniel H. Bittle for $200 a one acre lot on the Salisbury Rd. (N. Main St) in Mt. Pleasant described as “beginning at a stone in the west side of the street in or near the College line N89E 26 poles &16 2/3 links to a stone in the college line, thence N2 1/4E 6 poles 1 1/2 links, thence S89W 26 poles &162/3 links to a stone in the college line thence N2 1/4W 6 poles & 1 1/2 links to the beginning.” Rev. Bittle and his wife, Susan Bigelow Bittle, constructed a house on this lot [See Historic MP #11] but sold the property back to John Shimpock before 1864. Shimpock combined this property with another three acre tract to the south which he sold to E. D. Lentz in 1864 [CDB 21, p. 339]. Lentz’s heirs sold 31/2 acres to Cook & Foil in 1904 [CDB 63, p. 77].
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 21, p. 43
17 Apr 1860
John D. Scheck, of Guilford County & J. W. House of Cabarrus County, sold for $175 a seventeen acre tract of land in Mt. Pleasant described as “beginning at a stake in the road in a line of the lot on which Reuben Fink lives, then due East 15 poles to a stake, then due Souh 10 poles & 9 links to a stake in Col. John Shimpock’s line, then N61E 18 poles & 17 links to a stake in said Shimpock’s corner, thence N56E 44 poles to stake in Barrier’s line said Shimpock’s other corner, then N56W 84 poles to a stone on the east side of Salisbury Rd., then S5E 71 poles & 9 links to the beginning.”
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 21, p. 253
12 Jan 1863
John L. Henderson, agent for William R. Scott, sold to John Lentz for $1,350 a lot in Mt. Pleasant containing a building and described as “beginning at stone side of the street, Harkey & Foil’s Corner runs N4E 13 poles to a stone thence N83W 5 poles & 1 link to a stone, thence N10E 6 poles & 4 links to a stone, thence N61 1/2W 30 poles to two pines on the Church lot line, thence S37 1/2W 10 poles & 1 link to a stone corner of Church lot, thence S47 1/2E 16 poles & 7 links to a stone thence S55W 2 poles & 5 links to a post oak, thence S5E 27 poles to a stake Harkey and Foil’s corner, thence N4E 1 pole & 10 links to a stone thence S85E 3 poles & 10 links to the beginning contining 3 acres & roads & 28 sq poles.” This was the lot on which the Mt. Pleasant Hotel was located and extended west to the Mt. Pleasant Methodist Church. At the time of this transaction, William R. Scott was serving as a Lt. with the 1st NC Cavalry.
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 21, p. 838
16 Feb 1864
Mathias Barrier sold to John W. McAulty a 136 sq pole lot in Mt. Pleasant for $380 described as “beginning at an oak stump in the west side of the street an old corner, thence N85W 12 poles to a stone, then S29W 8 poles a stake in John Lentz’s line, then S61E 12 poles to stone said Lentz corner, thence S86 211/2 links to a stake a corner of the Petrea lot, then N4E 4 poles 18 links to a stone a corner of said lot, then S86E 3 poles 17 links to a stake in the old line then N4E 7 poles 16 links to the beginning.” There is a gap in ownership for this land but on 10 Jan 1874 Martin L. & Rosetta Bost sold the tract now totaling 1 acre & 24 poles for $1,000 to James L. Litaker described as “beginning at an oak stump in the west side of the street an old corner, thence N85W 12 poles to a stone, then S29W 8 poles a stake in John Lentz’s line, then S61E 12 poles to stone said Lentz corner, then S? W 6 poles & 4 links to a stake, thence S?E 5 poles & 1 link to a stake in the street, thence N18? 4 poles & 19 links to the beginning.”
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 42, p. 35
On 11 Apr 1864, for the sum of $500, J. M. Harkey purchased from John L. Henderson, a tract of land in Mt. Pleasant described as follows … “Beginning at a sassafras on J. M. Harkey’s own corner then S3W 11 poles & 9 links to a stake in said Harkey’s line, thence S83E 10 poles & 7 links to a stone, thence North 17 poles 16 links to a stone in the line of the Parsonage, then S55½E 10 poles 14 links to the beginning, containing one hundred and forty-six square poles be the same more or less.” [See Historic MP #43].
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 21, p. 676
On 23 Feb 1866, for the sum of $300, L. G. Heilig sold to W. R. Kindly “of Davidson County” a tract of land in Mt. Pleasant consisting of 2 ¼ acres. This appears to be the land on which Kindly built his home and store. It was described as follows … “Beginning at a stone in the Charleston road in or near J. J. Misenheimer’s line, then S87W 22 1/2 poles to a stake, then N1W 16 poles to a stake, then N87E 22 1/2 poles to a stake in said road & then N3E 20 poles & 19 links to a stone, thence N6W 5 poles and 14 links to the beginning.”
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 22, p. 30
On 8 Feb 1868
Jacob and Sophia Ludwig sold to their son, H. T. J. Ludwig, for $600 a tract of land described as “beginning at a pine M. Cook’s corner, then N 23E 16 poles to a stone in his corner thence S89E 6 poles to a stake in the street, thence N3E 14 poles and 23 links to a stone Kindley’s corner, thence N88 1/2W 3 poles and 23 links to a stone Kindley’s other corner then N69W 13 poles and 10 links to a stone Cook’s corner, thence ?52 1/2W 10 poles and 20 links to a cedar, thence S33 1/2W 32 poles to a stone, thence S66E 32 poles and 28 links to the beginning containing 5 3/4 acres.” Witnessed by L. R. Rose and John L. Shimpock [This was a portion of the land Jacob Ludwig purchased from Paul Rinehardt in 1847 (see CDB 18, p 131 above)]
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 23, p.19
20 Apr 1868
Daniel & Evaline Barnhart sold to Dr. P. J. A. Haines for $250 a 4 1/2 acre tract of land “adjoining the Town of Mt. Pleasant” and described as “beginning at a stone on the west side of the Charleston Rd. (S. Main St.) in M. A. Ury’s line about 20 feet from J. J. Misenheimer’s corner, then S5E 27 poles to a stone in said Ury’s line, then S83E 27 poles to a stone, then N5E 27 poles to a stone by a road, then N83W 27 poles to the beginning.” On 24 Dec 1871 P. J. A. Haines sold this lot to A. C. Barrier for $400 [CDB 23, p. 554]. This appears to be where Barrier built his residence (See Historic MP #88).
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 24, p. 9
15 Mar 1870
Jacob Ludwig sold to G. R. P. Miller for $100 an one acre lot Mt. Pleasant described as “adjoining the lands of H. W. McNamar, J. J. Misenheimer and others bounded as follows – McNamar’s corner then S88W 23 poles to a stone McNamar’s corner, then S11E 7 poles & 2 links to a stone, then N88E 23 poles to a stake or stone J. M. Misenheimer’s corner, then N11W 7 poles & 2 links to the beginning.” The land described in this deed can actually be traced back to 1844 when Paul Rinehardt purchased from his father, Christopher Rinehardt, 103 acres of land. In 1847 Paul Rinehardt sold to Jacob Ludwig for $425 eighty-eight acres of this land [See CDB 17, p. 131 above]. This deed is also unique in that the one acre lot can be traced forward almost in its exact configuration through multiple owners to the present day. It is unknown who built the first house on the lot or how many different houses have been built during the past 177 years.
On 2 Nov 1875, G. R. P. Miller sold the lot to H. C. McAllister for $250 [CDB 26, p. 367].
On 3 Jun 1886, H. C. McAllister sold the lot to J. F. Linebarger for $250 [CDB 74, p. 354].
On 4 Jun 1892, J. F. Linebarger used the property as collateral for a loan of $1,385 from Richard Anderson of Stanly County to purchase a house in Albermarle.
Sometime before May, 1895 Richard Anderson obtained ownership of the property, as on 18 May 1895, he sold to the Trustees of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church a 53 sq pole portion of the lot for $100.
O 18 Aug 1897, Anderson sold the remainder of he property (still listed as one acre) for $300 to J. M. Brown of Stanly Co. [CDB 74, p. 360].
On 4 Oct 1897, J. M. Brown sold the property to James E. Peck for $225 [CDB 74, p. 372].
On 2 Jan 1899, James E. Peck sold the property to Daniel D. Barrier for $250 [CDB 74, p. 364].
On 4 Sep 1900, D. D. Barrier sold the property to John H. Long for $385 [CDB 74, p. 366].
John H. Long died in 1910 and his children inherited the property. On 3 Oct 1912 the heirs of John H. Long sold to their mother, Margaret N. Long and their sisters, Elizabeth “Bessie” Hartsell (wife of Lewis Hartsell), and Margaret McCrary (wife of Charles McCrary), their share of the property [CDB 78, p. 226].
On 5 Feb 1917, Margaret N. Long and her daughters sold the property to Dr. J. M. Earnhardt for $675 [CDB 87, p. 80].
On 26 Oct 1917, Dr. J. M. Earnhardt sold the property for $650 to James L. Lefler and his wife, Ada Lefler [CDB 94, p. 67].
On 10 Jul 1922, J. L. Lefler sold the property to M. E. Herrin and his wife, Mary, for $1,200 [CDB 105, p. 77].
On 11 Oct 1924 M. E. Herrin sold the property to Joe Haines, son of Dr. P. J. A. Haines, for $6,700 [CDB 105, p.76].
On 29 Oct 1940 Joe Haines and his wife, Mary Bell Haines, transferred the property to their daughter, Margaret Alice Haines [CDB 160, p. 224].
On 18 Aug 1982, Margaret Haines Nobles and her husband, John R. Nobles, sold the property, now consisting of .956 of an acre, to Dennis R. Lentz for $49,000. Lentz is the current owner and the 2021 tax value for the house and property is listed as $218,000. The current address is 1526 S. Main St., Mt. Pleasant, NC.
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 23, p. 574
On 1 Feb 1872
L. G. & Mary Heilig sold to E. D. Lentz for $800 a tract of land in MP known as the Tanyard Lot. The tract was described as follows … “Beginning at a stone in the street in Cook’s line thence N17E 11 poles, 3 links to a stone, thence S78 1/2 E 18 poles 7 links to a stone, thence S12 1/2 W 19 poles 3 links to a stone in the street in said M. Cook’s line, thence N78 1/2W 20 poles to the beginning, containing two acres & 45 square poles being the Tanyard Lot be the same more or less.”
This deed contained the following codicil:
“… the said parties of the first part [Heiligs] reserve for themselves the right of the use of water free of charge, from the spring on the lot conveyed by this deed for themselves or the occupants of the adjoining lot known as the Shumaker lot …”. This lot was adjacent to the lot below [CDB 49, p. 429]. It was later sold to Paul Barringer by the siblings of E. D. Lentz after his death [See CDB 75, p. 482 below]
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 49, p. 429
16 May 1872
L. G. Heilig sold to Hezekiah McNamar for $200 a four acre 20 sq pole lot in Mt. Pleasant “adjoining the lands of Mathew Cook, John Shimpock and himself (Heilig) and others, beginning at a stone in Morganton Rd, (Mathew Cook’s corner) thence N79W 12 poles & 15 links to a stone, thence N13 1/2E 59 poles and ? links to a stone, thence S49E 14 poles & 10 links to a hickory, thence S13 1/2 W 52 poles to the place of the beginning.” This property was on E. Franklin St. directly across the street from present Tuscarora Mill. The deed was not recorded until McNamar sold the land to W. W. Dry in 1894 [CDB 49, 272].
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 24, p. 212
Nov 1872
E. D. and Barbara Lentz sold to John D. Barrier for $415 a 2 7/8 acre lot in Mt. Pleasant described as “beginning at a hickory on the west side of the street a corner of the College lot, thence S2W 4 poles 10 links to a stake in the line of said lot a corner of the Lutheran Parsonage lot, thence N89E 29 poles 2 links to a stone, thence N10E 1 pole 10 links to a stone, thence N86E 16 poles to a wild cherry sprout in Dr. Henderson’s lines with his line N57E 9 poles 20 links to a pine stump [on] Henderson’s and Heilig’s corner, thence N2 1/2W 6 poles 16 links to the beginning . . . except that the said parties of the first part resume the right for themselves and such other persons that shall reside on the Laban Petrea lot to pass from the street in and out free of charge and without hindrances.”
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 40, p. 492
On 13 Apr 1875
or the sum of $2500, John L. Henderson and his wife, Margaret Maria, sold to Paul A. Barrier for $2,500 a tract of land in Mt. Pleasant described as follows …. “Beginning at a stone in the line of J. M. Corl’s lot, thence S84E 50 poles & 16 links to a stone in Heilig’s line thence S82E 13 poles & 15 links to a stone on Heilig’s line, thence N10E 27 poles & 7 links to a stone, thence West 11 poles & 9 links to a stone [on the] corner of graveyard, thence North 28 poles & 19 links to a stone formerly pine stump, Petrea’s corner, thence S59W 39 poles & 18 links to a stone, thence South 17 poles & 16 links to a stone, thence N85W 22 poles & 1 link to a stone in McNaulty’s line, thence S4W 9 poles & 11 links to the beginning, containing 12 acres more or less.”
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 26, p. 377
On 27 Dec 1875
Alexander Foil and his wife, Amelia Foil, for the sum of $700 sold a 106 sq pole lot in Mt. Pleasant ro Cary Bangle, wife of Daniel Bangle. On 30 Dec 1875 Daniel & Cary Bangle executed a mortgage borrowing $616 from Alexander Foil to finance their purchase [CDB 26, p. 278]. The tract was described as follows … “Beginning at a stake in the west side of Road on street in the Village of Mt. Pleasant in W. R. Scott’s line, now John Lentz’s line, thence S3N 9 poles & 20 links to a Stake in south edge of the Public well in said Scott’s old line now Foil & Heilig’s, thence S87E 11 poles & 14 links to a stake L. G. Heilig’s corner, thence N3E 8 poles & 18 links to a stake said Heilig’s corner in Cook’s line, then N80W 11 poles & 19 links to the beginning, containing one hundred & six square poles to be the same more or less.” It was on this lot that Daniel Bangle constructed his hotel, the Bangle House. [See CDB 67, pp. 230 below for further transactions involving this property]
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 26, p. 550
11 Mar 1876
Rufus A. Barrier and his wife, Martha R. Barrier, sold to John D. Barrier for $100 a ½ acre lot in Mt. Pleasant described as “beginning at an oak stump on the west side of the street (N. Main St.) James F. Litaker’s corner, then N84W 12 poles to a stone Litaker’s corner, then N31/4E 6 poles & 16 links to the beginning.”
On 13 Jan 1878, M. R. Barrier, widow of Rufus A. Barrier, sold to John D. Barrier for $47.50 an 852 sq pole lot contiguous to the first plot described as “beginning at a stump on the west side of the street J. D. Barrier’s corner, thence N31/4E 6 poles & 16 links to a stone, thence N84W 11 poles 10 links to a stone, thence N31/4E 9 poles 18 links to a stake in Walnut St. in a line of College lot, then with said line due West 15 links to a stake, thence S3 1/4W 17 poles 9 links to stone, J. D. Barrier’s corner, thence S84E 12 poles to the beginning.” [CDB 32, p. 183]
At some point in 1880 J. D. Barrier sold or rented to W. L. Daniel and his wife, Millie Lyerly Daniel, the combined lots. Daniel obtained a mortgage on the property for $100 from his wife’s cousin, George Moose of Stanly Co. on 20 May 1881. The lot was now described ¾ of an acre “adjoining the lots of W. J. Heilig, G. R. P. Miller, J. D. Barrier, Mrs. M. A. Dreher and the NC College grounds.” [CDB 34, p. 547]
On 2 Feb 1887, Daniel obtained a second mortgage on the property from W. Smithdeal and J. L. Ritchie of Rowan County. The property was described as “¾ acres described as “beginning at a stone in the sest side of Main St., a corner of J. D. Barrier’s lot, thence N84W 11 polees and 10 links to a stone Barrier’s corner, thence N31/4E 9 poles and 18 links to a stone in the line of the College lot on Walnut St., thence due East 11poles and 5 links to a stake corner of the College lot, thence S3 1/4W 10 poles & 21 links to the beginning.” [Cabarrus Deed of Trust Book 3, p. 284]
On 17 Jan 1894 W. L. Daniel and his wife sold the property to Jonas Cook & L. J. Foil (Cook & Foil) for $75 and W. Smithdeal retained his portion of the ownership of the mortgage [CDB 50, p. 156].
On 26 Apr 1894, Cook & Foil and Smithdeal sold the property to Mrs. Mary Ella Welsh, daughter of Daniel Barrier and widow of Benjamin Welch for $260. [CDB 50, p. 416].
On the same date Mary Welsh sold the property to Richard M. Blackwelder for $290 [CDB 53, 482].
On 23 Jun 1910, R. M. Blackwelder sold the property to his son, Alonzo Blackwelder, for $150 [CDB 74, p. 300].
On 16 Feb 1916, Alonzo Blackwelder and his wife Jenny Skeen Blackwelder, sold the property for $900 to Mrs. Lois McEachern, wife of David Ray McEachern [CDB 84, p. 185].
On 3 Aug 1920 D. R. and Lois McEachern sold the house and lot to George F. & Ethelyn McAllister for $2,000. McAllister either demolished the frame house on property or totally renovated it into a brick structure that stands today. In 1968, the McAllister heirs sold the property to St. James Reformed Church and it was used as the Minister’s residence until it was sold to Robert and Crystal Smyly in 1914. In 2016 Crystal Smyly sold the house to Benjamin K. Garrido, the current owner.
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 28, p. 278
On 8 May 1876
Mathew Cook sold to William W. Reed for $230.75 a tract of land on the Albemarle Rd. (E. Franklin St) described as adjoining the lands of Mathew Cook, W. W. Reed and M. Roxanna Barrier and bounded as follows – beginning at a cedar in Cook & Reed’s line, then S22W 51 poles 23 links to an oak at the public road leading to Albemarle; then S81E 68 poles 5 links to an oak; then N14E 37 poles 6 links to a rock in the Cook & Reed’s line with said line N661/2W 60 poles 37 links to the beginning containing 173/4 acres.
In 1883, Harry Heilig, a former slave belonging to L. G. Heilig, and J. C. Barrier, also a former slave, possibly owned by Rufus & Roxanna Barrier, purchased this tract of land for $300 from W. W. Reed. (Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 37, p. 314). This land was adjacent to land owned by Mrs. M. R. Barrier (Mary Roxanna Barrier, widow of Lt. Col. Rufus Barrier), Mathew Cook and W. R. Kindley, and constituted what is today most of the area of Mt. Pleasant containing Crowell St. and A, B, & C Streets.
On 12 Apr 1884, Heilig and Barrier proceeded to subdivide the property and sell most of the lots to African-American families. Heilig purchased a lot for himself, as did Barrier. The initial purchaser of these lots are listed below:
Lot #1 John Boger purchased for $15 a 168 sq pole tract adjacent to Albemarle Rd. [Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 47, p. 6]
Lot #2 Charles Heilig purchased for $15 a 159 sq pole tract adjacent to the Albemarle Rd. This deed was not recorded until 1942. [Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 168, p. 25]. Charles Heilig was an ex-slave formerly owned by L. G. Heilig.
Lot #3 Harry & Idella Heilig purchased J.C. Barrier’s half-share for $18, a 148 sq pole tract adjacent to the Albemarle Rd. [Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 39, p 166]
Lot #5 Joseph C. Barrier purchased Harry Heilig’s half-share for $18, a 124 sq pole tract adjacent to the Albemarle Rd. [Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 39, p. 294]
Lots #8 & #13 Calvin Bost purchased for $30 two tracts of 143 sq poles and 139 sq poles respectively. [Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 39, p. 186]
Lots #4 & #7 Lewis Barrier purchased for $30 two tracts of 134 sq poles and 131 sq poles respectively. [Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 39, p. 294] Lewis Barrier was an ex-slave formerly owned by Henry B. Barrier.
Lot #10 Thomas Boger purchased for $15 a 164 sq pole tract. [Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 39, p. 254]. Thomas Boger appears to be an ex-slave formerly owned by Martin Boger.
Lot #12 On 15 Aug 1885 the Trustees of Zion Wesley Church (AME), ie. Harry Heilig, Andrew Lowder, Cavin Cook, Elias Miller and Wiley Miller, purchased for $15 a 145 sq pole tract. [Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 48, p 230]
Lot #14 Calvin Cook purchased for $15 a 126 sq pole tract. [Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 9, p. 442] Calvin Cook was an ex-slave formerly owned by Mathew Cook.
Lot #15 Robert Pearson purchased for $15 a 104 sq pole tract. [Cabarrus Co. Deed Book, p. 450]
Lot #16 Elias Miller purchased for $15 a 100 sq pole tract. [Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 39, p. 396] Elias Miller was an ex-slave formerly owned by Daniel Miller.
Lots #17 & #18 James Heilig, son of Harry Heilig, purchased for $30 two tracts of 120 sq poles and 129 sq poles respectively. [Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 39, p. 52]
Lot #19 Jerry Miller purchased for $15 a 139 sq pole tract. [Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 39, p. 398] Jerry Miller was an ex-slave formerly owned by Paul Miller.
This small community of African-American families came to be called “Reidsville” and eventually contained two churches and a school.
Cabarrus Deed Book 41, p. 555
14 Nov 1876
Jonas Cook and his wife, Martha R. Cook, sold to George W. Blackwelder for $500 a 7.2 acre lot in the town of Mt. Pleasant described as “beginning at a flint rock in [N] Main St. at Aaron Lentz’s corner, thence, S85W 8.37 chains to a stone, thence S83.5W 6.47 chain to a stone, thence N3.5W 4.83 chains to a stone at John M. Harkey’s corner, thence N86E 14.92 chains to a stone at John M. Freeze’s corner, thence S1.5E 4.83 chains to the beginning. This lot was part of the dower of Martha Cook, wife of Jonas Cook and daughter of John Shimpock. [The lot appears to have been a portion of the land inherited by John Shimpock from his father, Michael Shimpock, that Michael Shimpock had purchased from William Waggoner in 1823 (see 10-321 above)].
Cabarrus Deed Book 27, p. 438
10 Mar 1877
John M. Harkey sold to J. H. & Nancy Jane Thayer for $200 a 7.75 acre tract of land in Mt. Pleasant described as “beginning at a stone in the Salisbury Rd. then N3 1/2W 2.67 chains to a stake in said road, then S83W 4.31 chains to a stake, then 3 1/2W 1.77 chains to a stone on T. S. Woods line, then S83W 59 chains to a stone, then S3 1/2E 37 chains to a stone G. Blackwelder’s corner, then N83E 10.67 chains to a stone on G. Blackwelder’s line, then N31/2W 1.82 chains to a stake, then N83E 4.33 chains to the beginning.” Four days later Thayer purchased an additional lot next to the above tract.
Cabarrus Deed Book 27, p. 447
14 Mar 1877
Jonas Peacock sold to Nancy J.. Thayer for $265 a 125 sq. pole lot in Mt. Pleasant described as “beginning at a stone in Main St., T. S. Woods corner, then S83W 17 poles to a stone in Wood’s line, then due South 71/4 poles to a stone on J. H. Thayer’s line, then N83E 17 poles to a stone in Main St., then due North 71/4 poles to the beginning.”
Cabarrus Deed Book 29, p. 78
4 Jul 1878
William R. Scott and his wife, C. M. Scott, sold to the Trustees of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church (ie. Elias Miller, James Heilig, Matthew Miller, May Jackson, and Wiley Miller) a two acre & 21 pole lot in Cabarrus County described as “beginning at a stone a corner of the land belonging to said church on W. G. Barringer’s line, thence with his line N10W 7 poles to a stone in said Barringers line, then S66W 27 poles & 20 links to a cedar tree at & on the east side of the public road P. N. Hopkins corner, then with his line S14E 18 poles & 8 links to a pine at side road said Hopkins corner on M. Rinehardt’s line, then with his line N45E 31 poles & 9 links to the beginning.”
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 41, p. 311
On 18 Nov 1878, For the sum of $25, L. G. Heilig sold to J. M. Harkey, Trustee of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity a one acre tract of land which became the Church cemetery. The tract was described as follows … “Beginning at a stone in John M. Harkey’s line, thence with said line N 17 poles & 13 links to a Red Oak, thence E 7 poles to Shimpock and L. G. Heilig’s own line, thence with said line S45E 9 poles & 10 links to a stone, thence S 10 poles & 22 links to a stone, thence W 13 poles & 16 links to the beginning, containing 1 acre, 1 road & 16 ???? be the same less or more.”
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book #57, p. 456
8 Jan 1881
William R. Scott sold to William J. Heilig a 12 3/4 sq pole lot in Mt. Pleasant described as “adjoining the lands of John Lentz, Matthew Cook and others, beginning at a stake in the street thence N36E 2 poles to a stake John Lentz’s corner, thence N52W 5 poles & 16 links to an iron stake said Lentz’s corner, thence S37.5W 2 poles & 7 links to a stake in the street and in Scott’s own line, thence in said street & line S53E 5 poles & 14 links to the beginning.” This lot appears to be adjoining the Lentz Hotel lot that was sold by Scott to John Lentz in 1863. The deed was not recorded until 15 Apr 1902, five months after Heilig’s death.
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book #35, p. 122
29 Dec 1881
Daniel and Margaret Barrier sold to the School Committee of Dist #32 ( L. G. Heilig, J. J. Misenheimer, and K. M. Cox) for $28.25 a lot adjoining the lands of A. C. Barrier and others, described as “beginning at a Spanish oak by the road A. C. Barrier’s corner, thence with said A. C. Barrier’s line S103/4W 15 poles & 9 links to a stone said A. C. Barrier’s corner, thence S831/2E 12 poles to a stone, thence N103/4E15 poles to a stone, thence N813/4W 12 poles to the beginning containing 1 acre and 21 sq. poles.” [This was the location of the South Boston School].
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 40, p. 177
On 21 Apr 1882 George Moose and his wife, E. H. Moose, of Stanly Co. NC sold to (their son) John W. Moose, a lot in Mt. Pleasant for $210 “described as adjoing the lands of Jesse Heathcock, D. A. Sides & J. J. Misenheimer, beginning at a stone in the street (E. Franklin St.) at Jesse Heathcock’s corner, thence S25W 17 poles 18 links to a stone in said Heathcock’s corner, then S65E 10 poles to a stone, then N22E passing? Lefler’s corner & with his line 17poles 18 links to a stone in the street Lefler’s & Heilig’s corner, then N641/2W 9 poles & 1 link to the beginning containing one acre & 8 square poles.” [J. W. Moose built his residence on this lot (See Historic MP #75), and sold it back to his parents in 1887. George Moose died in 1899 and a portion of this lot (and possibly the house built by J. W. Moose) was inherited by George’s son, Willie J. Moose. W. J. Moose sold the lot and house to E. E. Barrier in 1906.]
Cabarrus Deed Book
10 Apr 1884
W. M. Smith sold to the Trustees of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity of Mt. Pleasant, ie. P. A. Barrier, and H. C. McAllister, Elders, for $350 a house and 1 1/2 acre lot described as, “adjoining the Female Seminary , J. J. Misenheimer & others, beginning at a stake in the street, Charles Kluttz’s corner, S11E 18 poles less 4 links to an iron stake, then due South 12 poles & 3 links to a sake in Misenheimer’s line, then with Misenheimer’s line N10E 15 poles & 11 links to Kluttz’s corner, then [with] his line N81W 18 poles & 4 links to the beginning.” This purchase was financed by a loan from church member, Daniel Barrier [CDoTB 2, p. 26], and the house served as the Holy Trinity parsonage before it was relocated across the street next to the sanctuary.
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 39, pp. 236 & 238
22 Jul 1884
H. C. McAllister sold to L. J. Foil for $1,100 three lots in Mt. Pleasant on W. Franklin St. described as ” (Lot No. 1) “beginning at a stone on side of street runs N85W 3 poles & 10 links to a stone, thence S4W 1 pole & 10 links to a stone, thence S57E 10 links to a stone, thence S85E 3 poles to a stone, thence N4E 2 poles to the beginning containing six sq rods;” (Lot No. 2) “also beginning at a stone in Cook’s line thence N4E 1 pole & 10 links to a stone in John Lentz’s line, thence N85W 12 links to a stone, thence S61/2W 1 pole & 16 links to a stone, thence S821/2E 1 pole thence N55W 17 links to the beginning containing 93/100 poles.” (Lot #3) “beginning at a stake in the street Eudy’s corner in Rose’s line S41W 26 poles & 21 links to a stake, thence S56E 9 poles to a stake in H. T. J. Ludwick’s line, thence N331/2E 14 poles to a cedar said Ludwick’s corner, thence S521/2 4 poles & 19 links to a plum tree Cook’s corner, thence N381/2E 12 poles & 8 links to the beginning containing 1¼ acre & 14 sq poles.” L. J. Foil resided on this property until selling it to Adam Nussman in 1898 [CDB 77, p. 93]
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 74, p. 352
26 Jan 1885
Hezekiah McNamar and his wife, Polly C. McNamar sold to H. C. McAllister for $237.50 a fifty-four sq pole lot in Mt. Pleasant described as, “beginning at a stone C. P. Cox’s line in Holy Trinity Church line, thence with said line S87W 8 poles to a stone, thence S30W 10 poles and 10 links to a stone, thence S11E 7 poles and 2 links to a stone, thence N88E 23 poles to a stone in the street [S. Main St] in Misenheimer’s line, thence N11W 7 poles and 2 links to a stone in C. P. Cox’s corner, thence S88W 18 poles and 14 links to a stone C. P. Cox’s corner, thence with C. P. Cox’s line due North N?? to the beginning.
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 41, p. 203
On 1 Jul 1885, Sophia Ludwick (widow of Jacob Ludwick) sold to her son, H. T. J. Ludwick, for $592.15 a tract of land adjoining the lands of J. J. Misenheimer , Luther M. Barrier & others described as follows – “Lot #6 beginning at a stone J. J. Misenheimer’s corner, thence with Misenheimer’s line N311/2W 82 poles and 6 links to a stone corner of [lot] No. 5, thence N35E 69 poles and 8 links to a stone corner of dower in Suther’s line by the Concord Road, thence S491/2E 2 poles & 20 links to a pine corner of graveyard [Methodist church], thence with church line S40W 14 poles to a stone corner of church property, thence with line of church property S52E 13 poles to a stone near an oak Dr. Rose’s line, thence with Dr. Rose’s line S41W 13 poles and 17 links to a stone near a dead cedar, Dr. Rose’s corner, thence S57E 30 poles & 12 links to a stone McAllister’s corner (now Foil’ corner), thence S34W 18 poles to a stone H. T. J. Ludwick’s corner, thence S64E 32 poles & 8 links to a stone corner of church property, thence S28W 9 poles to a stone in McNamar’s line, corner of Dower, thence N86W 16 poles & 2 links to a stone corner of Dower, thence S131/2W 41 poles to a stone in J. J. Misenheimer’s Iine, thence with said line S66W 5 poles to the beginning containing 22 acres& 124 sq poles.”
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 42, p. 466
On 11 Aug 1885 H. T. J. Ludwick sold to Robert Rose a tract of land in Mt. Pleasant from the estate of Jacob Ludwick for $143.14. The tract was described as “beginning at an Ash by the public road, Suther’s corner, thence S331/2W 587 poles & 18 links to a stone in J. J. Misenheimers line, thence with said Misenheimers line S311/2E 17 poles & 31 links to a stone, thence N35E 62 poles & 12 links to a corner in Suther’s line in Concord Road, thence in said road and line N91/2W 18 poles & 10 links to the beginning containing 6 acres & 81 sq. poles.” [This land was part of the tract of land that Sophia Ludwick sold to H. J. Ludwig in Jul 1885 (see CDB 41, p. 203 above)].
On 22 Jun 1895, Robert Rose sold this tract of land to R. L. McAllister for $165.00. [CDB 50, p. 134].
On 7 Mar 1900, R. L. McAllister sold this tract of land to John D. Beaver for $750.00. [CDB 56, p, 72].
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 39, p. 376
On 20 Nov 1885, Lawson G. Heilig sold to A. W. Moose for $475 a tract of land in Mt. Pleasant which became the site of his home. The tract was described as follows. “Beginning at stone near a double gate on Franklin St. thence running North 26 1/2E 10 rods, 18 links to a stone thence S87 1/2E 1 rod & 10 links to a stone, thence North 27 3/4E 3 rods 9 links to a stone thence S86 1/2E 10 rods 6 links to a red oak on East side of a spring branch thence S8 1/2E 17 links to a Post Oak in east side of Spring branch thence N86 1/2W 5 rods 6 links to a stone thence North 65W 1 rod to a stone thence South 26W 13 rods 19 links to a stone on side of ditch side of road (Franklin St.) then N63W 5 rods & 15 links to beginning … containing 1/2 acre … “
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 52, p. 440
On 1 Nov 1886, W. R. and Mary Kindley sold to H. T. J. Ludwig for $236.62 a tract of land in Mt. Pleasant adjoining the lands of J. J. Misenheimer and others described as follows – “beginning at a stone in Suther’s line corner of Dower, thence in Concord Rd. with Suther’s line N49 1/2W 19 poles to a corner in said road and line, thence S35W 62 poles and 12 links to a stone in J. J. Misenheimer’s line (Rose’s corner), thence with said Misenheimer’s line S31 1/2E 21 poles and 1 link to a stone corner of lot #6, thence N35E 69 poles and 8 links to the beginning containing 7 acres & 142 sq poles.” [This land was adjacent to the land H. T. J. Ludwig purchased from his mother in 1885 (see CDB 42, p. 203 above)].
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 43, p. 258
28 Jan 1888, John M. Freeze and his wife, S. R. Freeze, sold to Jonas Cook & Lawson Foil (Cook & Foil) a ¾ acre lot on N. Main St. for $450 described as … “a house and lot in the Town of MP adjoining the lots of Geo. W. Blackwelder and J. H. Thayer, situated on Main St. of said town. Beginning at a stone in the street near a wild cherry, G. W. Blackwelder’s corner, thence N3 1/2W 7 poles 5 links to a stone, J. H. Thayer’s corner, thence S83W 16 poles 22 links to a stone J. H. Thayer’s other corner, thence 83 1/2E 7 poles 5 links to a tone G. W. Blackwelder’s line, thence N83E 16 poles 22 links to the beginning.”
In Oct 1896, Cook & Foil sold this lot and house to C. A. Barnhardt [CDB 51, p. 268] [See Annotation #125]. In 1901 C. A. Barnhardt sold this lot to Mattie J. Barringer, wife of George Thomas Barringer [CDB 77, p. 164].
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 45, pp. 28-31
On 11 Feb 1889, the property of J. J. Misenheimer (dec’d) was divided among his heirs. The property consisted of 9 lots and most of the land was in the town limits of Mt. Pleasant and was described as follows . . .
Lot #1 to Jennie McAllister, wife of Robert L. McAllister, “beginning at a stone in the old line on the West side of a road & in Ludwig’s line and it being the most Eastern point of said lot and runs N32W 15 chains crossing a small by an old Hickory on the West side & to a Stone at the edge of a field by said McAllister’s corner, thence S47½ W 17.90 chains passing by the East edge of a house to a stone by two White Oaks, thence S63½ E 7.70 chains to a stone by Mulbury, Fisher’s corner, thence S14W 101/2 chanis to a stone b an Ironwood, Fisher’s corner, thence N49E 21¾ chains to the beginning, containing twenty four and one fourth acres and valued at $350.”
Lot #2 to Mary Shoemaker, wife of J. F. Shoemaker, “beginning at a stone on the West side of a small branch, in Ludwig’s line and runs with said line of Lot #1, S49W 21¾ chains to a stone by an Ironwood corner of #1 & also Fisher’s corner, thence S86E 26.20 chains to the beginning containing seventeen acres and valued at $345.”
Lot #3 to E. A. Misenheimer “beginning at a stone at corner of Lot #2 and runs with Lot #2 N86½W 26.20 chains to a stone by Ironwood corner of #2 & also Fisher’s corner, thence with Fisher’s line S22½W 7.70 chains crossing creek, twice to a stone on the East bank of the creek in Fisher’s line & by C???, thence N85E 26 chains to a stone by Red Oak and Hickory, thence S55½E 11 chains to a small Dogwood by a Dogwood & Cedar, thence S85E 13 chains to a stone in the Charleston road, thence N6E 2 chains & 7 links to a stone in said road, thence S58½W 6/60 chains to a stone by a Post Oak with a beaing of S30W 30 links from corner, thence N2E 4 chains & 4 links to a stone in the aforesaid road. Thence N6W 25 links to a stone in said road, thence S88W 6.60 chains to a stone one pole from stone corner, thence 57W 1.44 chains to a stake at a Black Oak gone, thence S65½W 6.64 chains to a stone in Ludwig’s corner, thence N32W 9.4 chains to the beginning, containing twenty-one acres and valued at $375.”
Lot #4 to Charles J. Misenheimer, “beginning at a stone in the Charleston road by one White Oak on the West with bearing of N43½W 30 chains to its center, and also near the dwelling house and runs N85W 13 chains to a small dogwood by a Dogwood and Cedar & second corner of Lot #3, thence N55½W 11 chains crossing a small branch to a stone on hill by a Red Oak & Hickory, corner of Lot #3, thence with another of #3’s lines S85W 26 chains crossing larch branch to a stone on the East bank of the creek by C??? & corner of Lot #3 in Fisher’s line, thence S24½E 6.35 chains crossing creek to a stone Dower corner, thence with Dower corner line N86½E 22¾ chains to a White Oak by West Dower corner, thence a new line S83¼E 22½ chains to a stone in road, thence N6E 1½ chains to the beginning, containing twenty-one acres and valued at $425.”
Lot #5 to Crump A. Misenheimer “beginning at a stone in the Charleston road below the dwelling house and corner of Lot #4 and runs with Lot #4 N83¼W 22½ chains to a white oak by West corner of #4 & Dower corner, thence a new line, S70¾E 20.75 chains to a stone, thence N32E 5 chains to a stone containing five & half acres.” [Sold to A. N. James in 1904 [CDB 62, p. 564].
“Then also a a second [lot] beginning at a stone in the Dower line and runs S85½E 4.45 chains to a stone, Dower corner, thence W69½E 5.33 chains to a stone in Cook’s line, thence N20W 10 chains to a stone on agreed corner, thence N2½E 1.87 chains to a stone in Dr. Moose’s corner, thence S21W 84 links to a stone Moose’s corner, thence N65W 3.69 chains to a stone Hartsell’s corner, thence N62¼W 2.13 chains to a stone Hartsell’s corner, thence N66¼W 65 links to a stone Skeen’s corner, thence N22½E 89 links to a stone Skeen’s corner, thence N62½ W 1.35 chains to a stone in Skeen’s line on new corner, thence a new line S25½W 1.48 chains to a stone in Seminary line, thence with said line S68E 19/100 chains to a stone at corner Seminary barn, thence along the barn on the east edge S12½W 6.30 chains to a stone by a Cedar Lefler’s corner, thence S 86½E 2.31 chains to a flint rock, thence S3½W 9.7 chains to the beginning, containing eleven acres and valued at $355.”
Lot #6 to Effie Misenheimer “beginning at a stone in D. A. Sides line, Dower corner, and runs S26E 4.17 chains to a large White Oak, thence S74W 3 chains to a stone in a branch, thence S52E 10 chains to a Black Oak Stump, thence W88E 2½ chains to a stone in the stone in the Charleston road, thence 3E 55 links to a stone in said road, thence S32W 5 chains to a stone, thence S85W 14½ chains to a White Oak, thence N26W 5.38 chains to a stone in Dower line by White Oak & Red Oak, thence S85½W 21 ½ chains to a stone on the North bank of the creek, thence up the creek N28W 4.15 chains to stone on the North bank of the creek, thence S86½W 1½ chains crossing creek to the beginning, containing thirty three acres and valued at $375 & all incumbered by Dower.”
Lot #7 to Cora M. Buchanan, wife of Moses Buchanan, “beginning at a stone in sidewalk next to L. G. Heilig’s house & in his line and runs S25½W 1.85 chains to an Iron pipe in Skeen’s line thence N58½W 2.78 chains to a stone on the East edge of the road at a ditch, thence NE 1.32 chains to a stone on the North side of the road leading to Morgan’s, thence S59½E 12/100 chains to a stone on the same side of the road, thence S61½E 2.34 chains to the beginning, containing eighty-seven poles, also another lot adjoining the aforesaid lot beginning at an iron stake in Skeene’s line and runs N58½W 2.78 chains to stone on the East edge of the road & in edge of a ditch, thence along Seminary line S68E 2.57 chains to a stone in said line, thence N25½E 1.43 chains to a stone in Skeen’s line, thence N62½W 91 links to a stone Skeen’s corner, thence N25½E 61 links to the beginning, containing three fourth acres and valued at $400.”
Lot #8 to Hattie Misenheimer “beginning at a stone corner of Dower lot, & west of the Charleston road and runs N70¾W 20.75 chains to a White Oak by Dower corner, thence S26E 7.38 chains to a small White Oak, dower corner, thence N85E 14.63 chains to the beginning, containing six and one fourth acres.” [Sold to A. N. James in 1904 (CDB 62, p. 566)].
“Also another lot adjoining the same with Dower on it beginning at a White Oak by Dower corner and runs with Dower line S86½W 21¼ chains to a stone on the North bank of Adam’s Creek in Dower line, thence S23E 4.15 chains to a stone on the North bank of the Creek, thence N85½E 21½ chains to a stone in Dower line by a White Oak and Red Oak, thence N26W 4 chains to the beginning, containing eight and three fourth acres.”
“And also another lot commencing at a stone in the Charleston road, below the house and urns S71½E 5.53 chains to a stone near the barn, thence N18E 4.64 chains to a stone in Dower line, thence with Dower line S85½E 1.65 chains to a stone Dower corner, thence N67½E 5.33 chains to a stone in Cook’s line, thence S22E 12.45 chains to a stone N34½W ?.81chains to a stone, thence N57½W 6.68 chains to a stone, thence N83W 8.14 chains to a stone on the West side of the Charleston road, thence up the road N20½E 2.55 chains to the beginning, containing nine and one fourth acres and valued at $375 and all incumbered by Dower except six & one fourth acres.”
Lot #9 to Bessie K. Misenheimer “beginning at a stone in the Charleston road Cline’s corner and runs S85½E 6.35 chains to a stone in Dower line, thence S18W 4.64 chains to a stone near the barn, thence N7½W 5.53 chains to a stone in the road, thence N6E 3 chains & 3 links to the beginning, containing two & one fourth acres and valued at $375, and all incumbered by Dower & being the residence of Widow.”
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 45, p. 224
19 Jun 1889
Rufus A. & Ellen Shimpock of Rowan County sold to the Directors of Frick Mfg. Co., to wit: John W. Frick, Daniel A. Wiley, William G. Barringer, and Daniel D. Barrier, for $775 a 15 1/2 acre tract of land in and near Mt. Pleasant described as “the same being part of the tract known as the Bernheim lot … “beginning at a stone on the west side of street (N. Main St.) it being the nw corner & near the Wood’s house, thence due East 21 poles & 5 links to a forked poplar, thence due North 4 poles & 20 links to a stone in W. G. Barringer’s line, thence with said Barringer’s line S56E 57 poles & 10 links to a stone, John Shimpock’s corner, thence with Shimpock’s line S56 1/2W 42 poles to a stone, it being 2 poles & 17 links from Shimpock’s & W. H. Fisher’s corner, thence due West 32 poles & 7 links to a stone on the west side of the street leading to Salisbury (N. Main St.), Elliot’s corner, thence N30W 51 poles to the beginning.” Frick proceeded to add an additional thirty-two acres to this land in August [see below].
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 45, p. 552
31 Aug 1889
John W. Frick purchased from George W. & his wife, A. S. Blackwelder, for $325 a thirty-two acre tract of land contiguous to his earlier purchase from R. A. Shimpock. This tract was described as “beginning at a stone in W. G. Barringer’s line a corner of the colored Church lot, thence with it S66W 27 1/2 poles to a cedar on the east side of Salisbury and Mt. Pleasant Rd., thence N37W 88 poles to a post oak in Charles Ludwick’s line by the public road, thence N18E 42 1/2 poles to a post oak Charles Ludwick’s corner, thence S62E 65 poles to a stone formerly a hickory, thence S8E about 23 poles to the beginning.” Frick subdivided his two purchases, constructing a lumber plant and cotton gin on a portion and further dividing the remainder into lots.
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 46, p. 92
12 Nov 1889
The Board of Directors of Frick Mfg. Co. sold to H. A. Blackwelder for $189.15 two lots from their subdivided property. Lot #1 was described as “being part of the tract known as the Bernheim lot, beginning on the east side of Main St. in Dr. R. A. Shimpock’s line, thence due East 18 poles & 22 links to a forked poplar, thence S1/2E 10 poles & 44 1/2 links to a stone, corner of lot No. 6, thence due West 18 poles & 23 links to a stone on east side of Main St., corner of lot No. 6, thence N1/2W 10 poles & 44 1/2 links to the beginning containing 1acre and 61 sq poles.”
Lot #2 was described as “beginning at stone in the line on the east side of street leading by factory, and in a line with the south side of Lot No. 7, about 50 ft east from corner of lots No. 6 & 7. Thence due East in continuation of said south line of said lot No. 7, 21 poles & 14 1/2 links to a stone in Wm. G. Barringer’s line thence with said Barringer line N56W 26 poles & 15 links to a stone, 3 poles & 15 links from said Barringer’s & Dr. R. A. Shimpock’s corner, it being also the termination of the line on east side of said street passing by the factory, thence with east line of said street S1/2E 14 poles & 14 links to the beginning containing 157 sq poles.”
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 46, p. 126
25 February 1890
The Board of Directors of Frick Mfg. Co. sold to H. C. McAllister for $100 a 111 1/5 sq pole lot from the subdivision of their property. It was described as “being Lot No. 1 beginning at stone a corner of Lot No. 2, thence S1/2E 5 poles and 221/2 links to a stone in the side of Co.’s lane, thence due West 18 poles & 22 links to a stone on side of said lane, thence N1/2W 5 poles and 22 1/2 links to the beginning”.
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 46, p. 586
30 Jul 1890
John Shimpock sold to J. D. Shirey for $225 a 1 acre & 23 sq pole lot on N. Main St. in Mt. Pleasant. This lot was described as “beginning at a stone, E. D. Lentz’s corner, thence with said Lentz’s line N881/2W 26 poles & 11 links to a stone in [the] College line on west side of Main St., thence with College line N11/2E 6 poles & 23 1/3 links to a stone in said college line, thence S88 1/2E 26 poles & 11 links to the beginning.” [See Historic MP #10].
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 46, p. 590
On 15 Apr 1891, for the sum of $120, M. L. & Cora Buchanan sold to the Trustees of Patterson Lodge No. 307, Fraternal Order of Masons, a tract of land on which was constructed the Masonic Lodge building. The tract was described as follows … “Beginning at a stone in the line on east side of street, and 1 pole & 20 links from corner of store lots, said line bearing S2 1/2W 27 feet to a corner in ditch, one foot east of a stone, thence S87E 73 1/2 feet to a stone, thence N30E 17 1/5 feet to a stone in line of store lot, thence with said line of store lot, N581/2W 20 5/6 feet to a stone, thence N87W 55 feet to the beginning, containing 1890 sq.ft.” Recorded on 4 May 1891. This lot and building were sold to John T. & Nan Barringer on 8 Jun 1960 Trustees of Patterson Lodge #307 consolidated Stokes Lodge #32, Concord, NC [CDB 300, p. 319].
Below as series of deeds which record the purchase of property surrounding the Mont Amoena Female Seminary which were made by C. L. T. Fisher after he assumed the Principalship of the Seminary. Fisher remained at the Seminary for five years and then sold his property.
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 48, p. 365
On 1 Jul 1892 C. L. T. Fisher purchased from Crump A. Misenheimer of Lonoke Co. AR for $45.83 a lot in Mt. Pleasant “beginning at a flat rock on M. L. Buchanan’s corner, thence S56.5E 4 poles & 6 links to a stone, then, S15W 25 poles & 5 links to J. L. Lefler’s corner near a cedar stump in Mrs. Cline’s line, thence S8?? 4 poles & 9 links to a stone in said Mrs. Cline’s line, thence N12.25E 20 poles & 13 links to a stone formerly Hethcock’s corner, thence N25.5E 5 poles & 10 links to a stone Hartsell’s corner at barn, thence with Hartsell’s line N60W 6 poles & 14 links to a stone in Skeen’s corner, thence with said Skeen’s line N63.75W 2 poles & 16 links toa stone in Skeen’s corner, thence S24W 2 poles to the beginning containing 122.25 sq poles.”
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 48, p. 74
On 2 Aug 1892 C. L. T. Fisher purchased from James L. Lefler for $9.84 a lot in Mt. Pleasant “beginning at a stone in Cline’s line with said line N84W 4 poles & 9 links to a stone close by a cedar stump, thence N15E 5 poles & 23 links to an iron stake, thence S87E 4 poles and 17.5 links to an iron stake, Skeen’s corner, thence S12.25W 6 poles & 2 links to the beginning containing 26.5 poles.”
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 48, p. 82
On 17 Sep 1892 C. L. T. Fisher purchased from Jonas Cook & P. A. Barrier, Trustees of Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, for $600 a lot known as the parsonage property of Holy Trinity E. L. Ch., described as “beginning at a stake in (S. Main) street, Seminary lot corner, thence S4E 9 poles & 4 links toa stake in L. A. Lentz’s corner, thence S56.25E 16 poles & 10 links to a stone, thence N10E, 6 poles & 7 links to a stone, thence N81W 18 poles & 4 links to the beginning containing 110 sq. poles.”
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 48, p. 84
On 26 Jan 1893 C. L. T. Fisher purchased from Luther A. Lentz for $150 a lot in Mt. Pleasant being a part of the parsonage lot, “beginning at a cast iron stake planted in charcoal at J. L. Lefler’s corner, Misenheimer’s line, thence N87.5W 12 poles & 3 links to a corner near the middle of the street (S. Main St.), passing a cast iron stake planted in charcoal on the east side of (S.) Main St. 1 pole & 10 links from said corner, thence in (S.) Main St. N11.5E 9 poles & 18 links to a stake on a line with C. P. Cox’s fence, thence S86.25E 16 poles & 10 links to a stone in Misenheimer’s line, thence with said line S9.5W 9 poles & 4 links to the beginning containing 130 sq. poles.”
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 49, p. 204
On 21 Dec 1893 C. L. T. Fisher purchased from R. A. Brown for $125 a lot in Mt. Pleasant “beginning at a stake in the street (S. Main St.) M. Cox’s corner, thence with his line S86E 16 poles & 23 links to a stone, his other corner, thence N4E 6 poles to a stone, thence N87W to an iron stake planted in charcoal near the middle of the road, J. L. Lefler’s corner, the corner established by the parties present, said line measuring 18 poles & 4 links, thence S11E 6 poles to the beginning containing 105 sq. poles.”
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 132, p. 170
On 8 Nov 1894 C. L. T. Fisher purchased from Jesse Skeen for $100 a lot in Mt. Pleasant “adjoining the lands of J. L. Lefler and others, beginnin at an iron stake, Jas. L. Lefler’s corner of shop lot, and runs with Lefler’s line N73.5W 5.75 poles to a stone, Lefler’s corner, thence with Fisher’s line N12.5E 6 poles & 4 links to an iron stake on Skeen’s & Fisher’s old line, thence a new line S69.5E 7 poles to an iron stake on Skeen’s & Fisher’s present line, thence S16W 6 poles & 10 links to a stake, thence N72.5W 24 links to a stake, thence S14.5W 25 links tothe beginning containing 40 sq. poles and known and designated as the lands of Jesse Skeen, joining Jas. L. Lefler’s shop lot.”
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 67, p. 86.
On 24 Mar 1893, L. J. Foil and his wife, M. A. Foil, sold to Moses A. Foil for $75 a lot in Mt. Pleasant described as … “on the street leading to Concord. Beginning at a stone on the side of the street (south side) in Matthew Cook’s line, thence along said Cook’s line in a southerly direction 26 feet to a stone, thence in a westerly direction 32 feet to a stone, thence in a northerly direction 26 feet to a stone on the side of the south side of the street, thence in an easterly direction 32 feet to the beginning containing 832 sq. feet, more or less.” This lot was on W. Franklin St. adjacent to what became Barringer Motor Co. Dr. Foil opened a medical office in the building on the lot and it was later occupied by Dr. A. L. Barringer. He sold this property to the MP Town Commissioners for their use as a Town Hall in 1906 [CDB 67, p. 270, also Historic MP #62 & Annotation #167 “Town Hall’].
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Of Trust Book 9, p. 109
1 Apr 1893
The Mt. Pleasant Mfg. Co. was incorporated by the NC Legislature on 2 Mar 1893. The Directors named in the incorporation were Dr. P. A. Barrier, W. G. Barringer, H. C. McAllister, D. D. Barrier, G. W. Blackwelder, Felix Yorke, John C. Wadsworth, William M. Eudy and W. H. Fisher. The Company was capitalized at $4,000 and proceed to purchase the Frick Mfg Co. in MP [See CDB 45, p. 224 & p. 552]. On 1 Apr 1893 the Co. obtained a mortgage from four different sources totaling $3,836.97 to finance their business using the property and equipment as collateral. Loans were obtained from 1) R. W. Misenheimer for $1,080; Bettie Misenheimer for $240; R. A. Shimpock for $149.65, and Cook & Foil, Co. for $367.62, with 8% interest. The property was described as “being on the lot on which the brick building, saw mill, and cotton gin are located beginning at a stone John Shimpock’s corner in W. G. Barringer’s line, then with his line S561/2W 42 poles to a stone, then in about 8 poles and some links to the east side of the street running by the brick building, then N1 1/2W running with the side of said street about 36 poles to a stone, H. A. Blackwelder’s corner on the east side of said street, then with H. A. Blackwelder’s line East to a stone in W. G. Barringer’s line, H. A. Blackwelder’s corner, then with W. G. Barringer’s line S56E to the beginning containing 8 1/2 acres. Also lots Nos 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6 bounded on the west by Main St., on the north by H. A. Blackwelder’s lot; on the east by the street running down from W. G. Barringer’s by the brick building [present day Jackson St.], and on the south by said R. W. Misenheimer’s lot No. 7, being five lots bought from R. A. Shimpock.” The mortgages were satisfied on 7 Apr 1898.
In 1897 C. L. T. Fisher left Mont Amonea Seminary and sold the property he had purchased in 1892-1893.
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 132, p. 175
On 7 Apr 1897 C. L. T. Fisher sold to Rev. H. N. Miller and J. H. C. Fisher (C. L. T. Fisher’s brother) for $650 “two lots in the Town of Mt. Pleasant adjoining the Seminary property and James L. Lefler’s blacksmith shop lot. First lot beginning at a thimble Skeen’s in line of church lot on the east side of (S. Main) St. These passing another thimble Skeen’s against the fence on the inside and running 4 feet from the south wing of the Seminary building N88.25E 12 poles & 9 links to a stone in line of the Seminary and former parsonage lot. Thence with said Seminary lot
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 81, p. 148
6 May 1897
May Jackson and his wife, Clara, sold for $25 to the Trustees of St. James Reformed Church, ie. W. J. Heilig, A. W. Moose & M. A. Foil, an eighty-eight sq pole lot in Mt. Pleasant described as “beginning at a wild cherry on north side of street leading to Lutheran Cemetery, thence N3W 10 poles & 8 links to a stone in Shimpock’s line, thence with said line, N81 1/2E 7 poles to an oak stump, Shimpock’s corner, thence S18E 6 poles & 20 links to a stone, Shimpock’s corner, thence S2W 5 poles & 3 links to a stone on north side of said street, thence N87W 8 poles & 7 links to the beginning.” This was the land for the St. James Reformed Cemetery. May & Clara Jackson were African-American.
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 53, p. 158
11 Jun 1897
C. L. T. Fisher sold to the Trustees of Mont Amonea Seminary, ie. Dr. C. M. Pool, M. A. Holshouser, Rev. George H. Cox, Rev. E. H. Brown, J. A. Sifford, all of Rowan County, and Jonas Cook, Caleb Nussman, C. H. Fisher, Rev. G. G. Sherer, Rev. H. A. McCullough, and C. D. Barringer, for $150 two lots in Mt. Pleasant described as (1) “the lot on which the south wing of (the) Seminary is built, beginning at a corner of the Seminary lot in church line on east side of the street (S. Main St.), thence S11E 2 poles and 1 link to a thimble Skeen’s in said church line, thence N84.25E 12 poles & 9 links to a stone in line of former parsonage and Seminay lots, the line passing 4 feet from South wing of Seminary building, thence with former line of parsonage & Seminary N81W 13 poles and 5 links to the beginning totalling 11.33 sq. poles; (2) beginning at a stone in Jesse Skeen’s line, thence N25.5E 4 poles and 2 links to an iron stake at corner of same, thence N62.25W 9 poles and 8.5 links to an iron stake, thence S25.5W 1 pole & 6 links to a stone on M. L. Buchanan’s corner, thence S57.5E 4 poles and 8 links to a stone in the garden, thence S16W 3 poles & 23.5 links to a stone, corner of Seminary and former parsonage lot, thence S81E 4 poles & 18 links to the beginning containing 29 sq poles.” [See Mont Amoena Deeds from 1892 above.]
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 59, p. 494
12 Jun 1897
Robert L. McAllister and his wife, Martha, sold for $100 a one acre thrity-six sq pole lot in Mt. Pleasant to Robert F. Lynn described as beginning at a stone near the west bank of Church Branch with a poplar 22 links distant bearing ?36E as witness, thence S40 1/2W 12 poles and 13 links to a stone in R. L. McAllister’s line, thence with said line S31 1/2E 11 poles & 24 links to a stone J. L. Lefler’s corner, thence with J. L. Lefler’s line N34 1/4E 29 poles and 11 links to a stone, thence by computation S69.9W 15 poles & 21 links to the beginning.
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 54, p. 149
1 Dec 1897
The Directors of Mt. Pleasant Mfg. Co, to wit: R. A. & Ellen Shimpock, Jonas Cook, L. J. & Mary A. Foil, W. H. & Maggie Fisher, and John L. C. & Minnie Miller, sold to Alice E. Barringer (wife of Rev. Paul J. Barringer) for $139 two lots described as “Lots Nos. 2 & 3 of the town lots … known as the Frick property, beginning at a stone a corner at the south side of the street leading to the factory building (present day Broad St), thence due East 31, 1 1/2 feet to a stone on the west side of the street leading by the factory (present day Jackson St.), thence S1/2E 203 feet to a stone R. W. Misenheimer’s corner, thence due West 310 feet to a stone said Misenheimer’s corner, thence N1/2W 20, 1 1/2 feet to the beginning containing one acre and 62 2/5 sq poles.” In April 1897, Rev. Barringer had become a 1/6th share holder in Mt. Pleasant Mfg Co. [See Historic MP #4].
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 77, p. 93
17 May 1898
L. J. Foil and wife, M. A. Foil, sold to Adam Nussman for $1,200 1 1/4 acre lot on W. Franklin St. in Mt. Pleasant described as the same being a house and lot in Mount Pleasant … “Beginning at a stake in the street leading to Concord, R. L. McAllister’s corner, thence S41W 26 poles & 21 links to a stake, thence S66E 9 poles to a stake in H. T. J. Ludwig’s line, thence N331/2E 14 poles to a cedar, said Ludwig’s corner, thence S52 1/2E 4 poles & 19 links to a plum tree Cook’s corner, thence N38 1/2E 12 poles to a stone in said road in said street Cook’s corner, thence N53W 12 poles & 8 links to the beginning containing one and one-fourth acres and 14 poles, more or less. Except that part of the lot which Dr. M. A. Foil’s office now stands. Beginning at a stone in said Cook’s line, thence S 26 feet to a stone, thence W 32 feet to stone, thence N 26 feet to a stone, thence to the beginning 32 feet.”
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 72, p.166
18 May 1898
John & Sophia Lentz of Gaston Co. NC sold to L. A. Lentz of Stanly Co. NC for $39.75, a tract of land in #8 Township, Cabarrus Co. NC described as follows … “Adjoining the lands of Cook, Ludwick & Wallace and others. Beginning at a fallen hickory, Cook’s & Ludwick’s corner, thence S48W 121 poles crossing the big road to a stone in Wallace’s line, J. J. Misenheimer’s corner, thence N65W 28 poles to a stake in Wallace’s line ? Ludwick’s corner, thence N 14S 13 1/2 poles to a hickory at said Ludwick’s corner, thence N13W 12 poles to a stake in Ludwick’s corner, thence N12S 36 poles to a stake in Ludwick’s other corner, thence N39 1/2E 71 poles to a stake in the old line said Ludwick’s corner, thence S51E 78 poles to a large poplar on south side of said road Cooks Corner, thence East 8 poles crossing the road to the beginning, containing forty seven acres.” [John Lentz had purchased this land from P. B. C. Smith in 1862 (CDB 21, p. 253)].
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 53, p. 532
12 Nov 1898
John D. and Katie S. Barrier sold to Mary J. Corzine for $550 an 85 sq pole lot in Mt. Pleasant described as “Lot #1 Beginning at an oak stump on the west side of the street (N. Main), Jas. F. Litaker’s now H. C. McAllister’s corner, thence N84W 12 poles to a stone, Litaker’s now McAllister’s other corner, thence N31/4E 6 poles and 16 links to a stone, thence S84E 12 poles to a stone in the street, thence 31/4W 6 poles and 16 links to the beginning.”
Lot #2 “Beginning at a stake on the west side of Main St. at corner of above lot, thence N3 1/4E 6 poles and 16 links to a stone, thence N84W 11 poles and 10 links to a stone, thence 3 1/4E 9 poles an 18 links to a stake in Walnut St. in a line of College lot, thence with said line due West 15 links to a stake, thence 3 1/4W 16 poles and 9 links to a stone corner of former lot, thence S84E 12 poles to the beginning.” On 17 Feb 1911 D. W. Corzine, husband of the deceased Mary J. Corzine sold at public auction these two lots to Gurley D. Moose for $1,000 [CDB 75, p. 337]. Moose acquired a mortgage on the property from L. E. Foil, but when he died in 1913, Foil foreclosed on the mortgage and in 1915 it was auctioned. It was purchased at auction by A. W. Moose, father of Gurley Moose, $500 [CDB 82, p. 305]. [See Historic MP #30 for more detail].
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 55, p. 382.
9 Aug 1899
Ernest Jackson and wife, Shelby, sold to A. W. Moose for $65 a 137 sq pole lot described as “adjoining widow Petrea, Shimpock, and others beginning at a stone on the south edge of the street leading to [the] cemetery Widow Petrea’s corner and runs N1 1/2E 8 poles & 10 links to a stone on Shimpock’s line, thence with his line N80 1/2E 14 poles & 8 links to a stone at Cemetery corner, thence S3E 10 poles & 4 links to a wild cherry & corner of Cemetery lot, thence S87 1/2W 16 poles & 8 links to the beginning .”
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 54, p. 218
6 Mar 1899
Paul A. Barrier, Commissioner appointed by the Court, sold under a judgment in proceedings entitled John Cook vs Jonas Cook, Sallie Shuping & husband, Jesse Shuping, Frank P. Cook, Emma Hendrix & husband, John M. Hendrix, Margaret J. Cook, James P. Cook, and Jonas Cook and L. J. Foil constituting the firm of Cook & Foil, to James P. Cook for $895 a lot described as “adjoining the lands of Mrs. Welsh, L. E. Heilig, W. J. Heilig and others, bounded as follows: in the town of Mt. Pleasant, known as the storehouse lot on the west side of Main Street or Salisbury Rd. and on the north side of Franklin St. or Concord Rd. beginning at a large white oak on the west side of said Main St. and runs N4E 1 pole and 11 1/2 links to an iron stake, thence the small strip bought of McAllister and others, N4E 3 1/3 links to an iron stake near the public well, thence N82 1/2W 4 poles to a stone, thence N811/2W 2 poles and 4 links to a stone Mrs. E. Welsh’s corner, thence N53 1/2W 3 pole & 15 links to an iron stake, 1 ft. West of a copal tree, Wm. Heilig’s corner, thence S36W 2 poles and 23 links to an iron stake in the road or street and the old Cook line, thence [with] the road or street S53E 12 poles & 14 links on the south side of said Franklin St. near the middle of said street and on the west side of said Main St., to an iron stake, thence N4E 4 poles & 8 1/2 links to the beginning containing 38 sq poles.” [This was a portion of the lot sold to Michael Cook by John O. Wallace in 1841 [CDB 15, p. 54] and by Michael Cook to Matthew Cook in 1851 [CDB 49, p. 442]. [It is the location of the old Cook & Ludwick Store purchased by C. G. Heilig on 22 Jan 1902, CDB 59, p. 338.]
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 55, p. 332
13 Apr 1899
Rufus A. & Ellen Shimpock sold to T. H Rinehardt for $300 a 1 3/4 acre lot in Mt. Pleasant described as “beginning at a stone on the east side of Salisbury Rd. (N. Main St.), W. G. Barringer’s corner; thence S56E 26 2/5 poles with said Barringer’s line to a stone in said line corner of Fisher, Miller & Company lot, thence due South 4 poles and 20 links to a poplar, Blackwelder’s corner; thence due West 21 poles and 5 links to a stone in the old line on the west side of said street by a large white oak to companies corner, thence with the old line N3W 20 poles and 9 links to the beginning.” On 16 Sep 1899 Rinehardt sold this lot which also contained a house to D. M. Klutts. The description had been changed slightly (See below, CDB 55, p. 334).
From Cabarrus Co. NC Deed Book 55, p. 334
16 Sep 1899
T. H. & Lottie Rinehardt sold to D. M. Klutts for $300 a house and 1 3/4 acre lot in Mt. Pleasant described as “beginning at a stone on the east side of the street leading toward Salisbury (N. Main St), W. G. Barringer’s corner, thence S56E 26 2/5 poles with said Barringer’s line to a stone in said line, thence due South 4 poles and 20 links to a poplar, Blackwelder’s corner; thence due West 21 poles and 5 links to a stone in the old line on the west side of said street, thence with th old line N3W 20 poles and 9 links to the beginning.” [See CDB 69, p. 168 below for a further deed trail]
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 63, p. 6
7 Dec 1899
The heirs of George B. Moose sold to William J. Moose, son of George B. Moose, for $450 a lot in Mt. Pleasant described as, “beginning at an iron stake on the south edge of the Albemarle road by an elm, Frank Cook’s corner and runs N64W 5 poles and 19 1/2 links to an iron stake in the road, the dividing corner of the Moose lots, thence the dividing line as follows. S26 3/4W 9 poles to an iron stake at the garden railings; thence along the garden railing S64 3/4E 23 links to an iron stake at the corner of the old garden, thence along the east edge of the garden fence S21 3/4W 6 poles and 21 1/2 links to an iron stake in C??? Miller & Fisher line, thence with their line S74E 9 poles and 7 links to an iron stake in Cook’s line, thence with Cook’s line N7E 15 poles to the beginning, containing one hundred and twenty three sq poles. The lot above lying in the Eastern suburbs of Mt. Pleasant, NC known as the Geo. Moose district property allotted to Willie J. Moose in the division of said decsd’s lands.”
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 74, p. 328
2 May 1900
Paul A. Barrier sold to Mary E. Welsh for $300 a 132 sq pole lot in Mt. Pleasant described as “adjoining D. D. Barrier and P. A. Barrier, beginning at a oak post said P. A. Barrier’s corner, also D. D. Barrier, thence N4E 6 poles and 31/4 links to a cedar post, thence N84 1/2W 22 poles & 10 links to a stone in D. W. Corzine’s line on the west side of Main St., thence S4W 5 poles & 16 links to a stone, thence S83 1/4E 22 poles & 10 links to the beginning.”
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 59, p. 446
24 Jul 1900
M. Winfred Petrea purchased from Lawson J. Foil for $385 “a house and lot in the Town of Mt. Pleasant adjoining the lots of Sandy Alston and others.” It was described as beginning at a stone in the south edge of the street leading to the [Lutheran] cemetery; thence S871/2W 8 poles and 14 links to a stone in Sandy Alston’s corner; thence N1 1/2E 8 poles and 10 links to a stone in Shimpock’s line; thence with said Shimpock’s line N80 1/2E 8 poles and 8 links to a stone, to the beginning, containing 83 sq poles.
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 80, pp. 270 & 272
17 Jan 1901
M. L. and Cora Buchanan sold to W. R. Kindley for $500 two lots in Mt. Pleasant. These lots had been inherited by Cora Buchanan, daughter of J. J. Misenheimer, at his death in 1889 [See Annotation # 3, Historic MP #67 & CDB 45, pp. 28-31 above]. Lot #1 was described as “a certain lot known as the Misenheimer storehouse lot … “beginning at a stone in the sidewalk next to L. G. Foil’s and in his lines and runs S20 1/2W 1.87 chains to an iron pipe in Jesse Skeen’s line, thence N58 1/2W 2.78 chains to a stone on the east side of the road in ditch, thence up the Charleston Rd. (S. Main St.) crossing the Morganton Rd. (E. Franklin St.) N7E 1.92 chains to a stone on the northside of said Morganton Rd., thence S59 1/2E 1 chain and 2 links to an old established corner of Shimpock & Widenhouse (Shimpock & Melchor Store), thence S61 1/2E 2.34 chains to the beginning, containing eighty-seven sq. poles.” Lot #2 was described as the portion of Lot #7 allotted to Cora M. Buchanan “on the east side of the Charleston Rd. and between the Masonic Hall and the old store house lot known as the Misenheimer store house, bounded as follows – beginning at a stone corner of Masonic Hall and runs N58 1/2W 3 poles and 22 links to an iron stake in the west edge of a ditch and east edge of street, thence S1 1/2E 47 links to a iron stake in the ditch, thence S85 3/4E 3 poles and 5 links passing along side of the Masonic Hall 5 feet from it to the beginning, containing 3½ sq poles.”
On 28 Jul 1908 W. R. Kindley sold this property for $900 to his son, John S. Kindley [CDB 80, p. 268].
On 5 Mar 1928, J. S. Kindley sold this property, now combined into one lot, for $2,000 to M. S. Lyles. In January 1930, Lyles leased the property to the Gulf Oil Company and a Service Station was opened on the site. In July 1930 Lyles sold one-half interest in the property to his brother-in-law, William Crawford Carpenter. In 1971 Annabellle Furr Carpenter, widow of William C. Carpenter, sold the property to Security Oil Company. Several persons have operated a gas station/service station/market over the years. Security Oil is the current owner of the property located at 8400 E. Franklin St. The old service station building and garage are operated as a tire store by Miles Barringer.
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 62, p. 262.
1 Jun 1901
Augustus N. James purchased from R. A. and M. C. (Fisher) Brown a lot in Mt. Pleasant described as “beginning at a stake in K. M. Cox’s corner, with his line S86E 16 poles 23 links to a stone in Cox’s other corner, thence N4E 6 poles to a stone, thence N87W to [A. C] Barrier’s corner and with his line 18 poles 4 links (in all) to a stake in the street, Barrier’s corner, thence S11E 6 poles to the beginning containing 105 sq poles. It being the lot which was conveyed by J. J. Misenheimer and wife, E. J. Misenheimer, to S. Cline on 28 Apr 1871.” This lot adjoined the homeplace lot of E. J. Allen Misenheimer and other lots which had been willed to the children of J. J. Misenheimer which were later purchased by A. N. James. (See distribution of J. J. Misenheimer estate above).
From Cabarrus Co. Deeb Book 65, p. 228
18 Jun 1901
W. W. Dry and his wife, E. S. Dry sold to the Tuscarora Cotton Mill for $80 a 2,789 sq ft lot in Mt. Pleasant described as “part of the lot aloted to Maggie J. Cook in the division of the lands of Matthew Cook, dec’d, beginning at stake W. P. James corner, thence S76 1/2E 25 feet to an iron stake on the north side of [E. Franklin] street in Mt. Pleasant leading toward Albemarle, a corner of said Tuscarora Cotton Mill, thence S13 1/2W 310 feet & 2.5 inches to an iron stake, corner of said Tuscarora Cotton Mill, thence N45 1/2W 28 feet and 3 inches to a stake, a corner of said W. P. James lot, thence N13 1/2E 295 feet and 3 inches to the beginning.
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 59, p. 338
22 Jan 1902
James P. Cook and his wife, Margaret M. Cook sold to C. G. Heilig for $1,225 a thirty-eight sq pole lot in Mt. Pleasant described as “on the west side of Main St. or Salisbury Rd. on the north side of Franklin St. or Concord Rd., beginning at a large white oak on the street side of said Main St. and runs N4E 1 pole and 11.5 links to an iron stake, thence the small stripe [sic] bought of McAllister and others N4E 3 1/3 links to an iron stake near the public well, thence N1 1/2W 2 poles and 4 links to a stone M. E. Welch’s corner, thence N53 1/2W 3 poles and 15 links to an iron stke 1 foot west of a copal tree William Heilig’s corner, thence S36W 2 poles and 23 links to an iron stake in the road or street and the old Cook line, thence the road or street S53E 12 poles and 14 links on South side of said Franklin St. neaar the middle of said street and on the West side of said Main St. to an iron stake, thence N4E 4 poles and 8.5 links to the beginning … said property being known as the M. Cook store house and lot ” [See CDB 15, p. 54 & CDB 54, p. 218].
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 57, p 583
22 Aug 1902
May Jackson sold to Francis Kent for $100 and “love and affection,” a lot in the Town of Mt. Pleasant described as, “adjoining the lots of Sandy Austin, May Jackson & others beginning at a white flint rock in the south edge of the street leading from NC College to [the Lutheran & Reformed Cemetery, Sandy Austin’s line N3/4E 16 poles and 3 links to a stone Sandy Austin’s corner, thence due W 50 feet to a stone on the old line of Jackson’s 1 1/2 feet west of a Persimmon, thence S3/4W 16 poles and 3 links to an iron stake on the south edge of the street as aforesaid, thence due E 50 ft to the beginning containing 13,300 sq ft.”
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 62, p. 118
5 Nov 1903
W. R. Kindley and his wife, Mary, sold for $61.25 a 1.9 acre lot in the town of Mt. Pleasant to George W. Blackwelder adjoining his property on N. Main St. The lot was described as “beginning at a stake on William Fisher’s line at G. W. Blackwelder’s corner, thence S84.5W 15.3/5 poles to a stone in a branch by a small poplar, thence down the branch S5E 19 poles to a stone in the branch at William Fisher’s corner, thence with Fisher’s line N84.5S 14.75 poles to the beginning.” [This land ajoined (to the east) a lot Blackwelder had purchased from Jonas Cook in 1883 (see 41-555 above). In 1926 this property which included the residence of G. W. Blackwelder was inherited by Blackwelder’s three children. In 1937, Leah Blackwelder Fisher, daughter of G. W. Blackwelder and wife of J. H. C. Fisher, purchased from her siblings the entire property (142-290 &146-110). In 1956 Leah Fisher, a widow, transferred the land to her son Henry Lee Fisher (278-176). The property was later sub-divided and sold as three separate lots.]
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 62, p. 73
29 Dec 1903
W. H. Fisher sold to George C. Petrea for $185 a 3/5 acre lot and a house in Mt. Pleasant known as “the old Bernheim lot” and described as “beginning at a stone on the South side of old lane, Shimpock’s corner, which is 2 poles and 17 links from [the] corner of Frick Mfg. Co. lot and runs S6 1/2W 18 poles and 19 links to a stone on the North side of said old lane Elliott’s corner of lot known as [the] Scott lot; thence due North 10 poles to a stone on South side of alley; thence due East 18 poles and 20 links to a stone in Shimpock’s line said Frick Mfg. Co.’s corner, thence S56 1/2W 2 poles and 17 links to the beginning.” Petrea sold this lot back to Fisher in 1905 [CDB 65. p. 524].
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 63, p. 76
1 Jan 1904
The heirs of E. D. Lentz sold to W. Deberry Foil, Lawson J. Foil and Jonas Cook (Cook & Foil) for $500 a 3 1/2 acre tract of land in Mt. Pleasant adjoining the E. D. Lentz homeplace lot, John Shimpock (dec’d), May Jackson and Main St. beginning at a poplar corner of Lentz homeplace lot, S871/2E 26 poles and 16.5 links to a stake near an apple tree in Shimpock’s line, thence due S 19 2/5 poles to a stone May Jackson’s corner; thence N86W 26 poles & 16 2/3 links to a stake in a line of North Carolina College, thence due N 19 poles & 2 links to the beginning, less a street sixty feet wide to be laid off from Main St. to John Shimpock’s line at or near the center of the the tract and to be used by the Commissioners of the town of Mt. Pleasant as a street. [See CDB 77, p. 112 (17 Jun 1911) below for further information on a portion of this property.]
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 63, p. 128
5 Apr 1904
The heirs of E. D. Lentz and Mathew Cook sold to Lawson J. Foil for $600 a 2 1/2 acre lot in Mt. Pleasant known as the E. D. Lentz Tan yard, beginning at a stake in E. Franklin St. and on the south edge of a street leading to the Lutheran Cemetery (Washington St.) and on Charles F. Fisher’s line, which is S7E and runs N15E 21 poles and 24 links to a stake in C. G. Heilig’s line and on the east edge of said cemetery street, thence with said Heilig’s line S75E 18 poles and 7 links to a stake said Heilig’s corer, and on the west line of the W. M. Eudy lot, thence S141/2W 21 poles & 4 links to a stone corner of said Eudy lot on the north edge if Franklin St. and in Mrs. W. W. Dry’s line, thence N76W 18 poles & 18 links to the beginning, less 1/4 acre sold off on the southeast side of L. A. Lentz which is bounded as follows – beginning at a stone in the street corner of tan yard lot, thence N121/2E 5 poles & 23 links to a stone, thence N65W 3 poles & 28 links to a stone, thence S27W 2 poles to a stone, thence N75W 1 pole & 19 links to a stone, thence S27W 5 poles and 8 links to a stone in a ditch by the street, thence S781/2E 7 poles & 2 links to the beginning.
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 62, p. 422
13 Apr 1904
Sidney Kluttz purchased from A. C. and Jane R. Barrier for $132.50 a 92 sq pole lot in Mt. Pleasant, “said lot being Lot #1 of the division of the estate of Christina Shimpock (dec’d) and known as the Scott lot. The lot was described as beginning at a stone by an apple tree on the old Bernheim line, and runs N89W 13 1/2 poles to a stone in the west edge of he Salisbury Rd., thence S2E 6 poles and 21 links to a stone in the road on old line, 37 links west from an iron wagon box planted in the east edge of the sidewalk, thence a new line S89E 13 2/5 poles to an iron stake in the old line, thence the old line N1 1/2W 6 poles and 21 links to the beginning. Seven and 50/100 dollars of the above consideration is to be paid to Lot #2 of the division of said town lot.”
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 62, p, 448
6 May 1904
Lawson J. Foil sold to Jonas Cook a 2 1/4 acre tract in Mt. Pleasant for $200 known as the E. D. Lentz Tanyard Lot described as “beginning at a stake in Franklin St. and southeast edge of the street leading to the Lutheran cemetery (Washington St.) and on Charles T. Fisher’s line which line is S76E and runs N15E 21 poles & 24 links to a stake in C. G. Heilig’s line S75E 18 poles & 7 links to a stake said Heilig’s corner and on the west line of the W. M. Eudy lot and on the north edge of said Franklin St. and in Mrs. W. W. Dry’s line; thence N76W 18 poles an 18 links to the beginning – less one-fourth acre sold off on the southeast side to L. A. Lentz, which is bounded beginning at a stone in the street, corer of tanyard lot, thence N12 1/2E 5 poles & 23 links to a stone in the street, corner of tanyard lot, thence N65W 3 poles & 23 links to a stone, thence S27W 2 poles to a stone, thence N75W 1 pole & 19 links to a stone, thence S27W 5 poles & 8 links to a stone in ditch by the street, thence 78 1/2E 9 poles and 2 links to the beginning – this deed is subject to the privileges and reservations mentioned in a deed made by L. G. Heilig and wife, M. A. Heilig to E. D. Lentz executed Feb 1st, 1872 and recorded Feb 21st, 1872 [CDB 22, p. 574], and is also subject to the privileges and reservations mentioned in a deed made by E. D. Lentz and wife, Barbara Lentz to L. A. Lentz executed Aug 23rd, 1887 and registered Jun 29, 1888 [CDB 43, p. 346.” This lot contained what are today the three houses and Clint Miller’s Exterminating south of Washington St. on E. Franklin St.
From Cabarrus Deed Book 65, p. 246 & Book 71, p. 408 (For some reason the same deed was filed twice.)
3 Jun 1904
Sarah A. Cox and heirs of K. M. Cox [dec 1902] sold to Z. H. Cox and wife, Bertha Cox, for $700 a lot in the town of Mt. Pleasant described as “beginning at a stone on Fisher’s Line, Gus James corner and runs with James line N84 1/2W 15 poles and 7 links to an iron stake in the Monroe & Mt. Pleasant Rd. [S. Main St]. James corner thence with the road N6E 12 poles and 2 links to an iron stake in the road C. G. Heilig’s corner. Thence with Heilig’s line S84E 17 poles and 22 links to a stone Heilig’s corner thence with Fisher’s line S6 1/2W 11 poles & 13 poles [sic?] to the beginning containing one and [a] quarter acres … and known as the lot upon which K. M. Cox, dec, lived to his death.” [In 1909 Cox sold this lot to Paul K. Dry (CDB 73, p. 468] and in 1912 Dry sold the lot to the Trustees of Mont Amoena Seminary (CDB 80, p. 233].
From Cabarrus Deed Book 65, p. 174
20 Mar 1905
Sidney C. Kluttz purchased from William H. and Margaret Shimpock Fisher for $200 a lot in Mt. Pleasant being the house and lot known as part of the Bernheim lot. “Beginning at a stone on the South side of old lane, Shimpock’s corner which is 2 poles and 17 links from corner of Frick Mfg. Co’s lot and runs S61 1/2W 18 poles and 17 links to a stone on the north side of of said old lane, Elliott’s corner of lot known as Scott lot, thence (due)N 10 poles to a stone on south side of alley, thence (due) E 18 poles and 20 links to a stone in Shimpock’s line corner of said Frick Mfg Co., thence S56 1/2W 2 poles and 17 links to the beginning, containing 3/5 of an acre.”
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 67, p. 270
1 Mar 1906 M. A. Foil and his wife, Bessie Foil, sold to the Mt. Pleasant Town Commissioners for $275 a building and 828 sq. ft. lot for use as a town hall described as adjoining A. M. Nussman and Cook & Foil, “beginning at a stone on the side of the street said Cook & Foil’s corner, thence along said Cook & Foil’s line in a southern direction, 26 ft to a stone, thence in a western direction, 32 ft to a stone, thence in a northern direction 26 ft to a stone on the south side of Franklin St., thence with said street in an eastern direction 32 ft to the beginning.” [See Historic MP “Board Room”].
From Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 67, p. 230
27 Apr 1906
Eliza J. Sears, Ellen A. Bangle of Chicago, Cook Co., IL, & Paul A. Barrier and his wife, Mary [Bangle] Barrier, sold the “Bangle House” to Jonas Cook and Lawson J. Foil for $1,000. The tract was described as follows … “the same being that house and lot in the town of Mount Pleasant, NC known as the Bangle House, beginning at a stake on the west side of Main Street in W. R. Scott’s line, now L. A. Lentz line, thence S3W 9 poles and 20 links to a stake in the South edge of the public well in said Scott’s line, now A. M. Nussman’s line; thence S87E 11 poles and 14 links to a stake L. G. Heilig’s now L. J. Foil’s corner; thence N3E 8 poles and 18 links to a stake said Heilig’s corner and in M. Cooks now Jesse Shuping’s line; thence N80W 11 poles and 19 links to the beginning, containing 106 square poles, be the same more or less. For chain of title see deed of conveyance made December 27th, 1876 by Alexander Foil and wife, Amelia L. Foil, to Cary A. Bangle which deed is recorded in the officer of the Register of Deeds for Cabarrus County, Book 26, page 377 and also the last will and testament of said Cary A. Bangle which is recorded in the office of the Superior Court for Cabarrus County.” This property appears to been retained by the Foil family following the dissolution of Cook & Foil in 19. On 24 Feb 1933 the property was part of a Sheriff’s sale to recover a claim against H. E. Foil, son of L. J. Foil, by Reid Motor Company in which Foil was named as owning half-interest in the property (his brother, L. E. Foil, owned the other half). The half-interest in the property (along with several other lots) was purchased by G. H. Nussman, the brother-in-law of H. E. Foil [CDB 126, p. 464].
On 21 Aug 1933, G. H. Nussman transferred the property (along with the other lots) to Nina E. Foil, wife of H. E. Foil and sister of Nussman [CDB 129, p. 29].
On 4 Jul 1935, Nina and Harry E. Foil transferred their half-interest in the property to L. E. Foil [CDB 159, p. 266].
On 30 Oct 1940, L. E. Foil sold the lot to the Town of Mt. Pleasant for $800. The deed stated that “the building known as the old Bangle house which is partially located upon [property] is also conveyed … although, the said building may not not be located wholly on the property.” [CDB 161, p. 181] Sometime before 1943 the building on the site was demolished.
On 5 Apr 1943 the Town of Mt. Pleasant sold the property to G. W. and Mary McAllister for $450 [CDB 170, p. 213
On 18 Jun 1946, G. W. & Mary McAllister sold the property to Marvin Y. Kirk for $100 and other valuable considerations [CDB 193, p. 191]. Kirk proceeded to construct a building and open a dry cleaning operation on the site.
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 67, p. 276
11 Jun 1906
Rev. Paul Barringer purchased from Jacob A. and Laura Shoe for $1,500 a 9 3/4 acre tract of land and a house in Mt. Pleasant described as “beginning at a stone in the street [E. Franklin] Lentz’s corner and runs N12 1/2E 41 poles & 16 links to stone Lentz’s other corner, thence N47W 8 poles & 16 links to a stone on Heilig’s line, thence N12 1/2E 30 poles & 22 links to a stone in Shimpock’s line, thence with Shimpock’s line S461/2E 33 poles & 16 links to a stone W. W. Dry’s corner, thence S13 1/2W 59 poles to a stake in said street and in Cook’s line, thence with Cook’s line & street N78 1/2W 20 poles & 7 links to the beginning.”
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 75, p. 482
6 Jul 1906
Jonas Cook, M. J. Foil (Cook & Foil) and the siblings of E. D. Lentz (dec’d), to wit: Joseph W. Miller & wife, Isabella, of Rowan Co. NC; Joseph C. Lentz & wife, Maria, of Union Co. IL; J. J. Goodman (dec’d) & widow, Sarah, of Burleson Co. TX; Mrs. H. C. Keith of St. Louis, MO, and E. P. Parker and wife, Margaret, of Guilford Co. sold to Paul Barringer for $275 a two acre lot and house in Mt. Pleasant described as, “on the north side of Franklin St. adjoining the lots of W. S. Hartsell’s tanyard and W. D. Foil’s Co. tanyard and the Jacob Shoe lot, beginning at a stone in said street in Matthew Cook’s line, W. S. Hartsell’s corer, then N12 1/2E 46poles to a stone in C. G. Heilig’s line, then S47E 8 poles & 16 links to a stone, then S12 1/2W 41 poles & 16 links to a stone in said street in said Cook’s lline, then N78 1/2W 7 poles & 11 links to the beginning.” The appears to the property that E. D. Lentz purchased from L. G. Heilig in 1872 [CDB 23, p. 574] and where he operated a tan yard.
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 67, p. 356
6 Aug 1906
E. C. & Isabelle Meismer sold to R. C. Blackwelder for $700 a ¾ acre lot & house in Mt. Pleasant described as “beginning at a stone in College St. D. W. Suther’s corner, thence N60W 25 poles & 19 links passing over the center of the well to a stone in Mrs. Melchor’s line a corner of said D. W. Suther’s lot, thence W35 1/2E 4 poles and 14 links to a stone Mrs. Melchor’s corner, thence S60E 25 poles & 15 links to a stone in the edge of the said Melchor’s corner, thence S34W 4 poles & 13 links to the beginning.” This lot was inherited by R. C. Blackwelder’s daughter, Mary Roxanna McEachern in 1907 and in 1913 she and her husband, D. H. McEachern, sold the lot to “Miss Kate Shimpock” for $700 [CDB 81, p. 16].
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 64, p. 464
5 Oct 1906
May Jackson sold to W. D. Foil, Lawson J. Foil, and Fred W. Foil for $400 a 2 7/8 acre lot described as “that certain house and lot in the Town of Mt. Pleasant, NC, deeded to said May Jackson by W. R. Kindley and his wife [on July 1st, 1878] and said deed recorded in the Register’s office for Cabarrus County, Book #30, p. 287. The said lot begins at a hickory on the west side of the street a corner of the College lot, thence S2W 4 poles & 10 links to a stake in line of said lot, a corner of Lutheran Parsonage now Mrs. M. A. Dreher’s lot, thence N89E 29 poles & 2 links to a stone, thence N10E 1 pole & 10 links to a stone, thence N87E 16 poles & 20 links to a pine stump Henderson’s & Heilig corner, thence N2 1/2E 6 poles & 16 links to an old oak Shimpock’s corner thence with his line S79W 26 poles & 8 links to a stone, thence [due] W 24 poles & 17 links to the beginning containing 2 7/8 acres more or less, except that the said parties of the first part reserve the right for themselves and such other persons that shall reside on the Laban Petrea lot to pass from the street and out free of charge and without molestation over the lot hereby conveyed except 187 poles conveyed to Ernest Jackson and by Ernest Jackson & wife to A. W. Moose [see CDB 55, p. 382 above] and also 13.3 sq feet conveyed to Frances Kent [see CDB 57, p. 583].
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 69, p. 168
27 Feb 1907
Daniel M. Klutts sold to R. C. Blackwelder for $655 a 1 3/4 acre lot & house in Mt. Pleasant described as “beginning at a stone on the east side of the street leading toward Salisbury (N. Main St), W. G. Barringer’s corner, thence S56E 26 2/5 poles with said Barringer’s line to a stone in said line, thence due South 4 poles and 20 links to a poplar, Blackwelder’s corner; thence due West 21 poles and 5 links to a stone in the old line on the west side of said street, thence with the old line N3W 20 poles and 9 links to the beginning.” [See CDB 55, p. 332 above].
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 77, p. 103
17 Aug 1907
Eustice Marnardy Dry purchased from Paul Barringer a lot on E. Franklin St. in Mt. Pleasant for $300 described as “adjoining the lot of Luther Ritchie and others. Beginning at an iron stake Luther Ritchie’s corner and on the north side of the street and runs N78 1/2W 63/8 poles to an iron stake on the north side of the street, thence N12 1/2E 2 poles to an iron stake on the old line, thence a new line S77 1/2E 72/5 poles to an iron stake in Ritchie’s line, thence with his line S16W 32 poles to the beginning, containing 224 sq poles.” This lot was a portion of a 9 acre tract of land that Rev. Paul Barringer had purchased from Jacob A. Shoe in 1906 in conjunction with Barringer’s position on the Board of Directors of Tuscarora Mill. (see CDB 67, p. 276 above).
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 73, p. 478
20 Nov 1909
Zeb Cox and his wife, Bertha, sold to Paul K. Dry for $750 a 1.25 acre lot in Mt. Pleasant described as “adjoining the lands of Henry Fisher, Augustus James & C. G. Heilig, beginning at a stone on Fisher’s line near James’ corner and runs with James’ line N84 1/2W 15 poles & 9 links to an iron stake in the Monroe and Concord Rd. (S. Main St), James’ corner, thence with the road N6E 12 poles $ 2 links to an iron stake in the road C. G. Heilig’s corner, thence with Heilig’s line S84E 17 poles & 22 links to a stone Heilig’s corner, thence with Fisher’s line S6 1/2W 11 poles & 13 links to the beginning.” (This property was sold to Mont Amoena Seminary in 1912 (See CDB 80, p. 232 below)
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 83, p. 291
2 Feb 1910
W. J. and Aurelia Moose sold to C. G. and Margaret Lentz for $800 three lots on W. Franklin St. in Mt. Pleasant, the lots were described as “1) beginning at an iron stake 4 ft. from W. R. Kindley’s and M. W. Allman’s line in the Concord public road, thence with Jonas Cook’s line S26E 9 poles & 2 links to an iron stake in said Cook’s line, thence S42W 27 3/5 poles to an iron stake by a pine, thence N46W 9 poles & 3 links to an iron stake within 4 feet of said W. R. Kindley’s line, thence N42E 29 2/3 poles to the beginning containing 1 1/2 acres; 2) another tract adjoining the above lot, beginning at an iron stke, Moose’s corner and runs S26E 9 3/5 poles to a stone; thence S42 3/4W to a stone, thence N46W 9 3/5 poles to the beginning containing 1/4 acre; 3) another tract lying on the south side of Concord Rd. adjoining the above 2 tracts and L. A. Lentz, beginning at a stone Jacob Hurlocker’s – in said road and runs S51E 72 poles to a large poplar stump (now gone) in the south side of said road, thence N80E to stake a short distance on the south edge of the ditch on the south side of the public road at the road now runs to the beginning containing abut 1/2 acre. This last tract being conveyed by Jonas Cook to W. J. Moose by deed dated January 9, 1908.”
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 89, p. 145
31 Dec 1910
W. J. & Aurelia Moose sold to A. M. Nussman for $600 two lots and a house in Mt. Pleasant described as “being a house . . . adjoining Mrs. C. S. C. Rose (dec’d), C. F. Jones and Mrs. C. Phillips, (Lot #1) beginning at a stone corner of Church lot, thence N41E 15 poles to a stone in the middle of Concord rod, thence in said road S52E 6 poles and 4 links to the beginning containing 50 sq. poles.” (Lot #2) “beginning at stone Mrs. Phillips’ corner thence N41E 3 poles & 8 1/2 links to an iron stake on Rose’s line, thence S41W 5 poles & 6 links to stake in Mrs. Phillips’ line, thence S55E 1 pole & 6 links to the beginning containing 5.17 sq. poles, the same being a lot conveyed to A. M. Nussman by L. R. Rose & wife dated 29 Mar 1907, except so much of said tract as was conveyed to C. F. Jones and A. M. Nussman & wife.”
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 77, p. 112
27 Jun 1911
Jonas Cook and L. J. Foil (Cook & Foil) sold for $300 a 141 sq. pole lot in Mt. Pleasant to Lee E. Foil. This lot had been sub-divided from a larger tract (3.5 acres) purchased by Cook & Foil from the heirs of E. D. Lentz in 1904 (See CDB 63, p. 76 above). The new lot was described as beginning at a stone on the west side of N. Main St. in a line of North Carolina College and running S871/2E 26 poles & 17 links to a stake in a line of John Shimpock (dec’d) lands; thence due S with said line 5 poles & 8 links to a stake, thence N86W 26 poles & 20 links to a stake in the line of NC College, thence due N with said line 5 poles & 6 links to the beginning. [On 30 Aug 1921, Lee Foil sold this property to William V. Bright, the son of Charles L. Bright. Charles Bright, a native of Tennessee, had moved to Mt. Pleasant after 1920 (CDB 98, p. 38). On 10 Sep 1951, W. V. Bright sold the property to D. W. and Joanna Tarleton (CDB 236, p. 197).]
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 75, p. 590
2 Oct 1911
“Witnesseth whereas the W. R. Kindley Cotton Mill, a corporation, has been dissolved according to the provisions of Section 1195 of the Revisal of 1905 of NC, and the directors an trustees of said corporation, after proper advertisement according to the law and under the authority conferred upon them by Section 1201 of said Revisal, did offer for sale at public auction the real estate, property and effects of said corporation at the Court House door in Concord, County of Cabarrus, state of North Carolina on Monday the 2nd day of October, 1911 at 1 o’clock PM when and where W. R. Kindley became the last and highest bidder for the same at the price of $19,458.92 … and has paid the said purchase price in full. … The following tracts of land together with the machinery and other personal property on said land …
Situated in the County of Cabarrus in 8 Township – First tract: adjoining the lands of Jonas Cook, W. H. Fisher, and W. R. Kindley Cotton Mills and others, beginning at a iron stake said Cook’s corner, thence N40E 41 poles to an elm W. H. Fisher’s corner in said Cook’s line; thence S48 1/2E 17 poles to a sassafras now gone, corner of W. H. Fisher’s and NC College, thence 29 1/2W 16 poles to a stake in corner of said College, thence S36W 263/5 poles to a stake in the line of W. R. Kindley Cotton Mills, thence N56 1/2W about 223/5 poles to a stone said Cook and Cotton Mills corner, thence N50W 4 poles to the beginning containing 5 acres and is the same land deeded to the W. R. Kindley Cotton Mills on the 9th day of November 1897 by L. J. Foil and wife, Paul Barringer and wife, and M. A. Foil.
Second tract: beginning at a stake John Heintz’s corner and runs N45W 502 ft or 30 poles & 11 links to a stake Foils corner, thence N35 1/2E 28 ft and 10 inches to an iron stake on Foil’s line, thence a new line S45E 502 ft or 30 poles & 11 links to an iron stake on Heintz’s line, thence with the said line S35 1/2W 28 ft and 10 inches t the beginning containing one-third of an acre and is the same land deeded to the W. R. Kindley Cotton Mills on the 27th day of December, 1898 by L. J. Foil and wife, W. D. Foil and wife, a Geo. W. Foil, John H. Foil and wife.
Third tract: beginning at a stone formerly a dogwood M. Cook’s corner; thence with Cook’s line S46W 6 poles to a —; thence S48W 5 poles to a —, corner about the middle of public road; thece S44 1/2E 28 poles to an oak stump formerly an oak; Suther’s and Rob’t Rose’s corner on south side of public road; thence in said road with said Robt Rose’s line S50E 16 poles to a stone; thence N351/4E 10 poles & 5 links to a stone in Foil’s line, thence with said Foil’s line (in a northwesterly direction) N47W 42 poles & 7 links to the beginning containing 2 acres & 131 sq poles, and is the sme land deeded to W. R. Kindley, Paul Barringer, L. J. Foil, W. A. Kindley, J. L. Peck, L. E. Heilig and A. W. Moose, Directors of the W. R. Kindley Cotton Mill on the 14th day of July 1896 by W. R. Kindley & wife.
Fourth tract: beginning at a stone corner of said W. R. Kindley Cotton Mill’s lot in J. L. Lefler’s line S50E 60 ft to a stone; thence parallel with line of said factory lot N35 1/4E about 10 poles and 5 links to a stone in Foil’s old line, thence with said Foil’s old line N45W about 60 ft to a stone corner of said factory lot; thence with said factory lot S35 1/4W about 10 poles and 5 links to the beginning containing 36 sq poles and is the land deeded to the W. R. Kindley Cotton Mill on the 4th day of April, 1899 by John R. Heintz and wife. …
Signed by Directors of W. R. Kindley Cotton Mill – L. J. Foil, M. A. Foil, W. A. Kindley, W. R. Kindley, A. W. Moose, John A. Peck, A. N. James and witnessed by S. T. Seaford. Filed on 4 Oct 1911.
[This total tract of land and the mill was sold by W. R. Kindley to his son, W. A. Kindley, on 19 Feb 1912.” [CDB 77, p. 202].
The following four deeds were the land purchases associated with the reconstruction of Mont Amoena Seminary. The exact site was to the east side “behind” the original Seminary building. It is interesting to note that the land sales were not completed until after construction of the new Seminary building had already begun.
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 80, p. 232.
11 May 1912
Paul K. Dry sold to the Trustees of Mont Amonea Seminary for $1,000 the one-quarter acre lot he had purchased from Zeb Cox in 1909 [See CDB 73, p. 478 above].
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 80, p. 234
18 May 1912
James L. Lefler and his wife, Ada, sold to the Trustees of Mont Amoena Seminary for $750 a one-third acre, 57 sq. pole lot in Mt. Pleasant described as “on Main St. beginning at a stone on S. Main St. and runs S86E 10 poles & 1 link to a rock, thence S26E 4 poles & 2 links to a rock, thence S84E 5 poles & 12 links to a stone, thence N15E 4 poles & 24 links to an iron stake, thence N23 1/2W 5 poles & 18 links to a stake, thence N89W 16 poles & 20.5 links to an iron stake in said street, thence with said street S8 1/2E 5 poles & 10 links to the beginning. This lot is compound of three lots, one from W. M. Smith & S. Smith [CDB 39, p. 36], one from C. L. Fisher [CDB 48, p. 74], and one from Jesse Skeen [CDB 48, p. 76] sold to James L. Lefler.”
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 80, p 282
15 Jul 1913
C. G. Heilig and his wife, Emma, sold to the Trustees of Mont Amoena Seminary for $300 a 115 sq. pole lot in Mt. Pleasant described as “beginning at a stake in the street K. M. Cox’s corner, thence with his line S86E 16 poles & 23 links to a stone his other corner, thence N4E 6 poles to a stone, thence N87W 18 poles & 4 links to an iron stake planted in charcoal near the middle of the street J. L. Lefler’s corner, thence S11E 6 poles to the beginning.”
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 80, p. 284
15 Jul 1913
J. H. C. Fisher and his wife, Leah, sold to the Trustees of Mont Amonea Seminary for $4,000 a lot of unspecified size in Mt. Pleasant described as “beginning at an iron stake in Main St. J. H. C. Fisher’s corner, and runs with his line S87E 291.5 ft. to an iron stake J. H. C. Fisher’s corner, thence N14 1/4E 33.9 ft. to an iron stake Jesse Skeen’s corner, thence with his line S69 1/2E 405.5 ft. to an iron stake, thence S3/4E 14.6 ft, to an iron stake, thence S20 1/2E 122 ft to an iron stake on Seminary Avenue, thence with Seminary Avenue S16 3/4W 263.9 ft to an iron stake in Fisher Avenue, thence with Fisher Avenue 86 3/4W 381 ft to an iron stake, thence N11 3/4E 110 ft to a iron stake, thence N86 1/2W 353.5 ft to an iron stake on Main St., thence with Main St. N9W96.9 ft to the beginning.”
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 84, p. 47
4 Nov 1913
C. G. Lentz and his wife, Margaret L. Lentz sold to J. D. and Laura Starnes for $825 a one-half acre lot in Mt. Pleasant described as “beginning at a stake Mrs. A. A. Harvell’s corner and runs N14 1/2E 5 poles & 12.5 links to a stone, thence N77 1/2W 14 poles & 7.5 links to a stake, thence S10E 6 poles & 5 links to a stake, said Harvell’s corner in A. E. Hahn’s line, thence 79 1/2E 13 poles & 23 links to the beginning. This land is never to be conveyed to any person of the negro race.”
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 82, p. 421
6 Apr 1914
Louis Swink and wife, Maye L. Swink of Forsyth Co. NC and Jerrie H. Dreher and wife, Marie S. Dreher of New Hanover Co. NC, sold to H. E. Foil of Cabarrus Co. NC for $400 a seventy-nine sq pole lot in Mt. Pleasant described as “beginning at an iron stake on the inside of and near the cement pavement, thence with sidewalk along Cemetery Ave [Walnut St.] S89 3/4E 16 poles & 17 links to an iron stake on the inside of the sidewalk, thence with line between Dreher estate and Francis Petrea property, S9 1/2E 4 poles & 19 links to an iron stake in Dreher-Petrea line, thence N89W 17 poles & 20 links to an iron stake on the inside of cement pavement N2E 4 poles & 14 links to the beginning..” This property adjoined the lot described below (CDB 85, p. 237) adjacent to the Dreher House [See Historic MP #24 & CDB 21, p. 44]. It was sold to N. B. McCanless, President of Kindley Mill, on 19 May 1920 [CDB 93, p. 302]. McCanless proceeded to build a house on the lot which was sold to Archie Fisher in 1938. It is now owned by William and Birgit Meadows.
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 81, p. 428
8 Apr 1914
W. R. Kindley transferred to J. J. Bunn and his wife, Lucille (Kindley) Bunn for “love and affection,” a lot and house in Mt. Pleasant described as adjoining the lands of L. J. Foil & Sons, John Kindley, the Ludwig property and others, and known as the W. R. Kindley residence lot, and more fully described as follows, beginning at an iron stake at the rear end of L. J. Foil & Sons store and runs thence N48.5W 86 ft & 9 2/3 inches to a stake, thence S55W 17 ft and 2 inches to a wagon thimble, thence N48W 16.5 ft to a stake, thence S47W 5 poles and 5 links to a stone in the Ludwig line, thence S58.5E 11 poles and 3 links to a stake, thence S86.25E 7 poles and 19.75 links to a stake near the opposite pavement in John Kindley’s line, thence N7E 58 ft and 8 inches to a stake corner of the stone lot, thence N73.75W 76.5 feet to a stone, thence N66W 70 ft and 4 inches to a stake, thence N44E 14 ft to the beginning containing 76 sq poles.
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 81, p. 514
6 Jul 1914
Mary C. Barreir, Horace B. Barrier & of Ralph W. Barrier of Spokane, WA and Anna Belle Axley and husband, Willard M. Axley of Murphy, NC, (heirs of Dr. Paul A. Barrier) sold to Luther Ritchie for $3,150 a house and lot in Mt. Pleasant known as the Dr. Paul A. Barrier residence lot adjoining the lands of Charles Lentz, L. J. Foil, and others and described as follows: “beginning at a stake on the west side of the (N. Main) street, running from the square by the North Carolina College, said stake is in Charles Lentz’s line and runs thence S80.25E 51 poles and 3 links to a stone in C. G. Heilig’s line, L. J. Foil’s corner, thence N10.5E 12 poles and 22 links to a stake in the west street ditch, thence S8W 11 poles and 13 links to the beginning, containing 3 acres and 134 sq poles more or less. Grantors also convey to the said party of the second part all rights of way and easments used in connection with the above described lot and belonging to the parties of the first part.”
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 85, p. 237
3 Aug 1914
Louis W. Swink and wife, Maye L. Swink, J. H. Dreher and wife, Marie S. Dreher of Forsyth Co. NC and New Hanover Co. NC, sold to W. D. Foil for $500 a house and 97.5 sq pole lot in Mt. Pleasant described as being the “Dreher home place” beginning at an iron stake inside the cement pavement on Main St., thence S88 1/4E 19 poles and 2.5 links to an iron stake in [the] Dreher-Petrea line, thence with said line S9 1/2E 1 pole & 8.5 links to an iron stake, Barrier/Petrea corner, thence N85 3/4 W 1 pole & 14.5 links to an iron stake (corner), thence S4 1/2W 4 poles & 5.5 links to an iron stake, Barrier’s corner, thence 87 1/4W 18 poles & 4.5 links to corner fence post, thence N7E 5 poles & 12 links to the beginning. Also an easement … to use for purpose of ingress and egress to the lands herein conveyed, a right of way of four feet, on the lands of the parties of the first part, known as the Dreher Home Place and along the South corner of said home place on Main St. and extending eastwardly of that width to the Dreher-Petrea line.” [See Historic MP #24 & CDB 21, p. 44]
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 83, p. 87
10 Dec 1914
L. A. Lipe purchased from the heirs of John A. Smith & Mary Jane Woods Smith for $900 a 4 1/2 acre lot located on the north end of N. Main St. in Mt. Pleasant described as “beginning at a stake in the Salisbury Rd. (N. Main St.) and running thence N3 1/2W 20 poles and 5 links to a stake in said road, thence S83W 27 poles to a pine, thence S3 1/2E 27 poles & 5 links to a stake, thence N83E 27 poles to the beginning, the same lot of land conveyed by Elizabeth Cole to Roena Woods by deed dated 16 Sep 1869 and recorded in the Record of Deeds from Cabarrus County in Book 24, p. 382, and on the death of said Roena Woods was inherited by her daughter, Jennie Smith, now deceased.” L. A. Lipe proceeded to built his residence on this property also known as “The North Woods” & “Woods Spring.”
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 85, p. 75
21 Feb 1917
Division of the estate of Harvey Caswell McAllister
“To Fannie McAllister, widow of H. C. McAllister, her dower and partition of land in common with other tenants – “One tract of land in the town of Mt. Pleasant, NC located on the west side of N. Main St. and north side of W. Franklin St., adjoining the lands of H. G. Lentz, G. R. P. Miller, J. B. McAllister, and others and being the home lot of H. C. McAllister, deceased. Beginning at an iron stake in west edge of west pavement of N. Main St., J. B. McAllister’s corner, and runs thence S7 1/2W 7 poles to an iron stake in east edge of west pavement of N. Main St., L. A. Lentz’s corner; thence with said street N50W 6 poles and 8 links to an iron stake in south edge of north pavement of side street Mrs. McAllister’s corner; thence with her line and the line of G. R. Blackwelder’s corner N33 1/4E 16 poles and 23 links to an iron stake, G. R. Blackwelder’s corner; thence with his line N75W 19 links to an iron stake; G. R. P. Miller’s corner; thence with said Miller’s line W32 1/2E 4 poles and 2 links to an iron stake, J. B. McAllister’s corner; thence with two of his lines, 1st S60E 5 poles and 20 links to an iron stake by a walnut, 2nd S75 1/4E 14 poles to the beginning.” (Amount of land is not listed).
Also a tract of land in No. 8 Township located on the south side of the Concord-Mt. Pleasant road, adjoining the lands of M. M. Misenheimer, Charles Tucker, and others. Beginning at an iron stake in the center of the Concord-MP road and in the McAllister Branch, a corer of 1ot No. 5 (said beginning has a bearing of S271/2E 26 links from a sycamore tree standing on the west of the McAllister Branch and on the north side of Concord-MP road) and runs thence with said road S73 1/2E 43 poles to an iron stake in said road, M. M. Misenheimer’s corner; thence with two of his lines, 1st S9 1/2E 23 poles and 14 links to a stone, 2nd S38W 39 poles 5 links to a black gum, Misenheimer’s and Cook & Foil corner; thence with Cook & Foil’s line S26 1/2W 34 poles and 8 links to a stone, Cook & Foil’s and Charles Tucker’s corner; thence with his line N84 3/4W 214/5 poles crossing th McAllister Branch to an iron stake in old pine stump, Charles Tucker’s corner and a corner of lot No. 4; thence with the line of lot No. 4 N71W 25 poles and 13 links to an iron stake on the west bank of McAllister Branch, a corner of lot No. 3; thence up McAllister Branch and with Lot No. 3 W2 1/2E 96 poles to the beginning containing 50 1/2 acres valued at $2,500.
Lot No. 1 to Lula Blanche Barrier – One tract of land in No. 8 Township, located on the south side of the Concord-Mt. Pleasant Rd, adjoining the lands of C. G. Heilig, A. S. Dayvault, and others. Beginning at an iron stake in the south edge of Concord-MP road S59E 27 poles and 10 links to an iron stake, corner of Lot No.2; thence with line of Lot No. 2 S30 3/4W 99 poles to an iron stake, a corner of Lot No. 2 in the line of Lot No. 5; thencewith the line of Lot No. 5 N68 3/4W 35 poles and 19 links to an iron stake in the old road and on A. S. Dayvaults line; thence with this line N51/2W 4 1/2 poles to an iron stake 10 links east from a walnut, Dayvault’s and Heilig’s corner; thence with Heilig’s line N39E 103 poles to the beginning containing 21 4/10 acres valued at $625.
Lot No. 2 to H. J. McAllister, Lee McAllister, Benjamin McAllister, Everett McAllister, Mabel McAllister and Brown McAllister – A tract of land in No. 8 Township located on the south side of the Concord-MP road adjoining lots 1, 3 and 5 in the division of the H. C. McAllister estate: Beginning at an iron stake in south edge of Concord-MP road, a corner of lot #1, and runs thence with the said road S59E 25 poles to an iron stake, a corner of lot #3; thence with the line of lot #3 S23 3/4W 92 poles and 15 links to an iron stake, a corner of lot #3 and in the line of lot #5; thence with the line of lot #5 N68 3/4W 40 poles to an iron stake, a corner of lot #1 and on the line of lot #5; thence N32 3/4E 90 poles to the beginning containing 19 acres and valued at $625.
Lot No. 3 to Sarah A. Misenheimer – one tract of land in No. 8 Township located on the south side of the Concord-MP road and adjoining lots #2, #5 and #4 and the dower lot in the division of the H. C. McAllister estate. Beginning an an iron stake in the center of the Concord-MP road and in the McAllister Branch, a corner of the dower lot, (said beginning has a bearing of S27 3/4E 26 links from a sycamore tree standing on the west bank of the McAllister Branch and on the north side of the Concord-MP Rd), and runs thence with said branch S2 1/4W 96 poles to an iron stake, a corner of dower lot in line of lot #4; thence with line of lots #4 an #5 N68 3/4W 63 poles to an iron stake, a corner of lot #2 and in the line of lot #5; thence N23 3/4N 92 poles and 15 links to an iron stake in the south edge of the Concord-MP road and the corner of lot #2; thence with said road S59E 14 poles to an iron take in the south edge of the Concord-MP road; thence with said road S73 1/2E 13 poles and 6 links to the beginning containing 25 acres and valued at $625.
Lot No. 4 to Martha A. Misenheimer – one tract of land in No. 8 Township located on the south side of lot #3 and the dower lot and on the east side of lots #’s 5, 6 & 7 and on the north of lot #8 in the division of the H. C. McAllister estate; beginning at an iron stake in a pine stump, Charles Tucker’s corner; and runs S26 1/2W 71 4/5 poles to a stone, Tucker’s corner; thence N63 1/4W 5 poles to a stake, Tucker’s corner; thence with another of Tucker’s lines S38 3/4W 15 poles and 22 links to an iron stake, a corner of lot #8 on Tucker’s line; thence with the line of lot #8 N82W 31 poles and 15 links to an iron stake, a corner of lot #7 and in line of lot #8; thence N20E 90 poles and 12 links to an iron stake, a corner of lot #5 and in line of lot #3; thence with the line of lot #3 S68 3/4E 22 poles to an iron stake, a corner of lot #3, and dower lot; thence S71E 25 poles and 13 links to the beginning, containing 22 acres and valued at $625.”
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 87, p. 227
9 Nov 1917
C. M. and A. E. C. Cress sold to S. T. and Ina Seaford for $1,200 a 1111/3 sq pole lot in Mt. Pleasant described as “on the east side of N. Main St. beginning at a stake Paul Barringer’s corner, thence due East 18 poles & 22 links to a stone, said Barringer’s line, thence S1/2E 5 poles & 22 1/2 links to a stone on the side of the lane (Scott’s Alley), thence due West 10 poles & 22 links to a stone on the side of side of said lane or alley, thence N1/2W 5 poles and 22 1/2 links to the beginning.”
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 89, p. 311
19 Mar 1919
A. M. Nussman sold to Paul Barringer a 29 sq rod lot on W. Franklin St. for $1,000. The property was described as – “Beginning at an iron stake by a Locust tree, corner of A. M. Nussman’s lot in Ludwig’s line; thence with said line S52 1/2E 2 rods & 12 3/4 links to an iron stake; thence N44 1/4E 9 rods & 8 links to a point in the brick wall back side of office building 2 inches to left of window jam; thence N45 1/2W .07 rods (14 inches) to a wall of livery stable; thence with wall (east side of stable) N44 1/2 W 2 rods & 17 links to an iron stake near the middle of Franklin St.; thence with said street N53W 2 rods & 10 links to an iron stake near middle of said street; thence S42 1/2W (12 rods) to the beginning containing 29 sq. rods. This deed also conveys the right of said Paul Barringer to drain water from this lot through the lands of A. M. Nussman to the main ditch on the west side of this lot. Both parties to this deed are to have the use of building now on the lot as they have agreed upon as to the division. A. M. Nussman does not sell the building, but is to remove the same, clean away before the first day of January 1920; provided that said A. M. Nussman is not to remove the front and the two rooms including the rolling doors.”
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 113, p. 217
20 Jan 1920
D. H. McEachern, A. F. McEachern and wife, Senie, H. C. McEachern, wife of Alice, J. L. McEachern, and wife, Cleone, J. C. McEachern and wife, Lula, Mrs. Ora McEachern, Bessie McEachern, and D. Ray McEachern and wife, Lois sold to M. E. Herrin for $800 a 1 3/4 acre lot in Mt. Pleasant described as “beginning at an iron stake on the West side Fricksburg Rd. in Joe Foil’s line and runs S5W 5 2/5 poles to an iron stake, thence N84W passing a small white oak (a center liner) on the East side of Main St. 21 1/2 poles to a point in said Street in L. A. Lipe’s line; thence N2E 19 poles & 14 links to an iron stake in the East side of the road, Joe Foil’s corner, thence S53E 26 1/2 poles to the beginning.” This lot adjoined another lot sold in May 1920 (see CDB 94, p. 6 below).
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 94, p. 6
22 May 1920
D. H. McEachern sold to D. L. Lipe for $500 a 125 sq pole lot in Mt. Pleasant described as “beginning at an iron stake on the west side of Barringer St. (M. E. Herrin’s corner) and runs S2W 5 poles & 57 feet to an iron stake in the street; thence N87W 21 poles & 18 links to an iron stake in L. A. Lipe’s line; thence W2E 6 poles & 7 feet to an iron stake (M. E. Herrin’s corner); thence S84E passing a small white oak as center liner 21 1/2 poles to the beginning.” It is interesting to note that the road bordering this lot and the previous lot were referred to by different names, and in 1920 all of the persons mentioned in the deeds, including Joe Foil, were all listed as living on N. Union St. in Mt. Pleasant. It appears that all of these names refer to what is today Jackson St.
Cabarrus Deed Book 95, p. 29
30 Nov 1920
Sandy Austin and wife Cora Austin and Francis Kent sold to Laura Reed for $220 a lot in Mt. Pleasant in that part of town known as “Reidsville” beginning at a iron stake in the west edge of the road, Manly Heilig’s corner, and runs with his line N71W 13 1/5 poles to an iron stake in Fisher’s line; thence with Fisher’s line N24 1/2E 63/5 poles to an iron sake, her own corner of another lot; thence with the line of her other lot S69E 13 poles to a stone; thence S23W 6 1/4 poles to the beginning, contained ½ acre and is the property inherited from May Jackson and Clara Jackson by Sandy Austin and Francis Kent.”
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 95, p. 179
31 Dec 1920
D. H. McEachern, A. F. McEachern and wife, Senie, Hawley C. McEachern, wife of Allie B., John L. McEachern, and wife, Cleone, James C. McEachern and wife, Lula, and D. Ray McEachern and wife, Lois sold to Margaret Elizabeth McEachern for $10 and “love and affection” two lots and a house in Mt. Pleasant described as “1st lot – adjoining the lots of Dr. M. A. Foil, G. R. P. Miller and others, beginning at a stone in the side of College St., G. R. P. Miller’s corner, thence S623/4E 11 poles & 8 1/2 links to a stone; thence N26E 4 poles and 203/4 links to a stone, thence N623/4W 11 poles & 18 links to a stone in and on the west side of the street; thence S23 1/3W 4 poles & 20 links to the beginning, containing 54 sq poles.” [See CDB 69, p. 168 above]
2nd lot & adjoining above lot on the east and St. James Church lot, G. R. P. Miller & others, beginning at a stone, R. C. Blackwelder’s line and runs S28W 30 feet to Miller’s line, thence with Miller’s line in an easterly direction to J. D. Barrier’s line; thence in a northerly direction with Barrier’s line 30 feet to a stone in Barrier’s line, thence to the beginning containing 2,500 sq feet.” On 10 Jul 1923, Margaret E. “Bess” McEachern sold these lots to the Trustees of St. James Reformed Church for $1,000 and the house.
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 130, p. 25
31 Mar 1934 Lee Mcallister purchased from L. A. Lipe, G. F. McAllister, and M. E. Herrin, etal. for $100 a lot in Mt. Pleasant descried as “beginning at a stake H. J. McAllister’s corner in Jenny McAllister’s line and runs with her line S55W 406 ft. to an iron stake in center of south extension of College St., thence with said street N57.75E 910 ft. to an iron stake in H. J. McAllister’s line, thence with said McAllister’s line S37.75W 210 feet to the beginning containing 1.97 acres.” [This lot was a portion of the land that Paul Rinehardt sold to Jacob Ludwig in 1847 and subsequently sold to H. T. J. Ludwig (See #96, p. 187, etal, above).]
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 96, p. 187
On 8 Jun 1922, J. L. Crowell and N. S. Williams, Commissioners under a judgment of the Superior Court in a special proceeding entitled “P. A. Ludwig and wife, Sarah Ludwig, S. J. Ludwig, L. A. Ludwig, Little Ludwig, and Mrs. Louise A. Ramsey, Plaintiff’s –vs- Grace Elliott and husband, Wm. Elliott, Effie Yorke and husband, Arthur Yorke, and Julia Ludwig, Defendants,” sold at public auction the below described tract of land to the highest bidders A. L. Lipe, G. F. McAllister, and M. E. Herrin for $3,105 a tract of land in Mt. Pleasant described as “adjoining the land of [the] Lutheran Church property, J. L. Lefler, R. L. McAllister, the Methodist Church and [the] Lutheran parsonage lot and runs with the parsonage lot line S27 1/2W 148.5 feet to parsonage lot corner and Lefler’s corner, thence N85W 265.2 feet to a stake, Lefler’s corner, thence with his line S14 1/2W 670 feet to a stake, Lefler’s corner on Allman’s line, thence with Allman’s line S67 3/4W 82 1/2 feet to a stone, Allman’s corner, thence with Allman’s and McAllister’s line N31W 1030 feet to a stone near a gate post on the east side of College Street, McAllister’s corner, thence N31E 274.8 feet to a stake, McAllister’s corner on east edge of College Street, thence with McAllister’s line N55W 568.2 feet to a flint, Lefler’s corner, thence with Lefler’s line N37 3/4E 1012 feet to a stake on the south side of the Concord Road, thence with the south side of said road S51 1/2E 550 feet to a stake on the south side of the road, a corner of MEC Church graveyard, thence with the graveyard line S43 1/2 W 21 feet to a stake corner of the graveyard, thence with the graveyard S52 1/2E 214.5 feet to a stone on the west side of College St., thence with College Street S38 1/2W 231 feet to a stake in the west edge of said street, thence crossing street 30 feet to a stake on the east side of said street, Pharr’s corner, thence with Pharr’s and Beaver’s line S54E 492 feet to a stake Nussman and Ludwig corner, thence with Ludwig’s line S34W 297 feet to a stake Ludwig corner, thence with H. T. J. Ludwig line S64E 532.8 feet to the beginning containing 27 1/2 acres.” [See deeds recorded in Book 22, p. 30, Book 52, p. 440 and Book 41, p. 203 above].
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 111, p. 412
9 Jul 1923 The heirs of L. J. Foil (ie. W. D. Foil, H. E. Foil, and Lee E. Foil), sold to the Cabarrus County Board of Education a two acres lot described as “beginning at an iron stake on the old Reed line and coner of lot #5, and runs N14E 12.75 poles to an iron stake, thence S64E 25.5 poles to an iron stake in Crowell’s line, thence S14W 12.75 poles to a stone (Crowell’s corner); thence N64W 25.5 poles to the beginning … known as the colored school lot.” This deed was not filed until 3 Nov 1927.
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 105, p. 33
26 Dec 1924, L. A. Ludwig, S. J. Ludwig, Lillie Ludwig, and Louise A. Ramsay sold to Martin C. Barringer for $1,500 a 3.5 acre tract of land described as “lying in the town of Mt. Pleasant on the west side of (S.) Main St. and being a part of the H. T. J. Ludwig estate and others. Beginning at an iron stake on the west edge of cement pavement, corner of Holy Trinity Church lot, thence N5E 5 rods, 20 1/2 links to a stone on the west edge of pavement, thence N77W 13 poles and 4 links to a stone in line Herrin-McAllister line, thence with said line S33W 14 poles 23 2/3 links to a stone in Lutheran Church lot line, thence with said line N2.5E 11 poles and 14 links to a stone, Church lot corner, thence S81E 13 poles and 24 links to the beginning.” This is the property that became Barringer Drive between S. Main St. and S. College St. The portion of the property adjacent to S. Main St. is the site of the current Post Office.
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 111, p. 393
29 May 1926 Luther Augustus Lipe and his wife, Julia M. (Barringer) Lipe, sold to the Cabarrus County School Board (W. R. Odell, R. L. Hartsell, G. G. Allen), for $10 and “other valuable considerations,” a 3.59 acre tract of land described as beginning at an iron stake by an oak as a pointer in the line of D. W. Shimpock, a new corner near the tenant house of L. A. Lipe, and runs thence a new line N87E 347 ft to an iron stake in the Mt. Pleasant and Salisbury Road by a cedar tree, thence with the Salisbury Road, N11W 916 ft to an iron stake in D. W. Shimpock’s line, thence with his line S10.5W 93 feet to the beginning. [This was a portion of the land upon which Mt. Pleasant School was built. See deed below.]
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 111, p. 394
29 May 1926 Daniel Webster Shimpock and his wife, Harriet (Blackwelder) Shimpock, sold to the Cabarrus County School Board (W. R. Odell, R. L. Hartsell, G. G. Allen) for $10 and “other valuable considerations,” a 12.55 acre tract of land adjoining L. A. Lipe, J L. Peck and others, described as beginning at a large persimmon tree on the old corner of J. L. Peck’s and runs thence with his line S43E 327.3 ft to an iron stake in the old line, a new corner, thence a new line S75.25W 337 ft to an iron stake in the line of L. A. Lipe, thence the line of L. A. Lipe N10.5E 1186 ft to an iron stake in the Mt. Pleasant and Salisbury Road, thence with the Salisbury Road N11W 84 ft to an iron stake in the Salisbury Road, thence a new line S79W 400 ft to a pine field, thence a new line S1.5E 521.5 ft to an iron stake in the Gold Hill and Concord Road, thence the Concord road, S69W 590.5 ft to an iron stake in the Concord Road a new corner, thence a new line S15.25E 272 ft to a cedar tree, thence the old line N38E 189.8 ft to the beginning. [This was a portion of the land upon which Mt. Pleasant School was built. See deed above.]
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 113, p. 172
13 Jan 1927
S. S. Barringer and wife, Annie Ross Barringer sold to A. N. James for $225 a lot in Mt. Pleasant on the corner of the MP town limits. The lot was described as “beginning at a stone on the northeast side of the old State highway [Concord Rd./W. Franklin St.] and runs N31-20W 407.5 ft to a stake the southwest edge of concrete headwall on the said State highway; thence S44-18W 204.5 ft to a stake in the old road; thence S35-15E 400 ft with the center of old road to a stake (L. A. Lentz’s corner); thence N82-44E 95 ft to an iron stake (Halifax Mills Corner); thence with line of Halifax Mill W46-12E 99.6 ft to a stone; thence E42-45W 67.5 ft to the beginning containing 1.9 acres at concrete post at the corporate limits of the town of Mt. Pleasant and fronting 100 feet of the new concrete state highway containing.” This lot was part of 10 1/2 acre tract that had passed through several owners after being sold by W. R. Kindley to R. W. Richardson in 1911 [CDB 76, p. 442].
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 111, p. 506
23 Nov 1927
L. A. Lentz died in 1918 but his estate was not settled until 1927. Below are descript[ions of several tracts incorporated into two deeds.
P. A. Lentz commissioner under a judgment of Superior Court sold to L. H. and Grace K. Barringer two lots in Mt. Pleasant for $1,274. The lots were from Tract #2 of the L. A. Lentz estate. They were described as “1) beginning at a stake, corner of Lot #7, 13 ft North of the edge of the pavement on Highway #74 (W. Franklin St.), said stake being 50 ft S80W of the filling station lot, running thence N40E 125 feet to a stake, corner to Lot #7, in the original line, thence with the original line S54.30E 25 feet 127.7 feet to the edge of the aforesaid highway, thence with said highway S50W 25 ft to the point of the beginning being Lot #8 of the L. A. Lentz estate;” “2) beginning at a stake on the North side of Highway #74 (W. Franklin St.) 13 ft. from the edge of the pavement, corner of the filling station lot, running thence with the highway S50W 25 ft to a stake, corner of lot #8, running thence with line of Lot #8 40 degrees East 127.7 ft to a stake, corner of Lot #8 in the original line, thence with said line S54.30E 9.4 ft to an iron pipe, the original corner and corner to lot #15, thence with the rear of Lots #15, #14, #13 and #12, S4W 129.3 ft to an iron pipe, corner of the filling sation lot, thence with line of said filling station lot, thence with line of filling station lot 21 ft to the point of the beginning.
Book 118, p. 287
P. A. Lentz, commissioner, sold to John G. Parks and Ed Kestler of Concord four lots in Mt. Pleasant from the estate of L. A. Lentz. These were lots containing the Lentz Building and Hotel. The lots were described as “lying idle and not producing any revenue and there was no fund with which to pay taxes … the heirs of the estate were desirous to sell the said land …” The lots were described as “1) beginning at C. G. Lentz’s corner thence with Main St. in a northerly direction 10 ft to corner of lot #13 on said street, thence with line of lot #13 N82.15W 88 ft. to a stake, corner to lot #13 in line of Lot #9, thence with the Lot #9 S4W 23.5 ft. to an iron pipe, corner of Lot #9, and the filling station lot, thence S83.30W 35.4 ft to a stake in C. G. Lentz’s line, thence with his line in a northerly direction parallel with Main St. 3.5 ft to a stake, C. G. Lentz’s corner, thence with his line S82.15E 48.7 ft to the point of the beginning, same being Lot #12 of the L. A. Lentz estate. 2) another lot adjoining the above, beginning at a stake, corner of Lot #12 on the West side of Main St. 9.5 ft west of the west curb, running thence in a northerly direction and parallel with the curb 51.8 ft. to a stake on the West side of said street, corner to lot #14, thence N81.30W 91.7 ft to a stake, corner in lot #14 in line of lot #9, thence with line of lot #12 S82.15E 88 ft to the point of the beginning, being lot #13 [Lentz Hotel building] 3) adjoining the above beginning at a stake corner of Lot #13 on the west edge of Main St. 9.5 ft West of the west curb, running thence in a northerly direction parlles with the curb 25 ft to a stake, corner of lot #15, thence with line of Lot #15 N81.30W 93.5 ft to a stake, corner of lot #15 in line of Lot #9, thence with line of Lot #9 S4W 26 ft to a stake, corner on Lot #13, thence S81.30E 91.7 ft to the beginning being Lot #14 of the L. A. Lentz estate. 4) adjoining the above beginning at a stake corner of Lot #14 on the West side of Main St., said stake being 9.5 ft West of the West curb extended, thence with Main St. in a Northerly direction parallel with the curb line extension 25 ft to a stake, said stake being 18 ft West of the West edge of the pavement, said pavement being narrower at this point, thence N81.3? 95,2 ft to an iron pipe, the original corner and corner of lot #9, thence with line of Lot #9 S4W 26 ft to a sake, corner of lot #14, thence with line of Lot #14 S81.30E 93.5 ft to the beginning, being lot #15 of L. A. Lentz estate.
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 130, p. 64
10 Nov 1933
R. W. Richardson and wife, Kate Foil Richardson, sold to A. N. James for $150 a lot in Mt. Pleasant from the John H. Foil estate. The lot was located on the (west) corporate limits of MP and joined the property of Kindley Mills, J. R. Heintz, M. A. Foil and the John H. Foil heirs. It was described as “beginning at a post on John R. Heintz’s line and runs N38 1/2E 50 ft to an iron stake in the hollow on M. A. Foil’s line; thence N 54 1/4W 506 ft to an iron stake in the old John Foil line; thence S36W 50 ft to an iron stake; thence S45E 236 ft to a post; thence S85 1/4E 86 ft to a post; thence S53E 193 feet to the beginning, containing two-thirds of an acre.” [This appears to be the house and lot located “behind” the Mt. Pleasant Methodist Church and east of the old Kindley Mill.]
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 126, p. 464
24 Feb 1933
As per a writ of execution from the Cabarrus County Superior Court in favor of Reid Motor Co. a corporation, and against Harry E. Foil, defendant, Sheriff R. C. Hoover, sold at auction (on 2 Jan 1933) to the highest bidder, George H. Nussman*, for the price of $850, the below described lots in Mt. Pleasant.
First Lot: On the south side of W. Franklin St. … “beginning at a stone 35 ft from the southwest corner of A. W. Moose Drug Store, and runs N42E 25 ft to a stone; thence N48W 14 inches to a stone; thence N42E 50 ft to the northwest corner of said drug store and in said A. W. Moose’s line; thenc the same line continued N42E 26 ft to a stone in the street, thence with the street N48W 85.8 ft to a stone; thence S43W 101 ft with Cook’s line to a stone; thence S48E 86.92/3 ft to the beginning, containing 31.83 sq. poles and is the same lot conveyed to Jonas Cook and L. J. Foil by W. R. Kindley and wife [CDB 51, p. 384, Feb 1897].”
Second Lot: On the south side of W. Franklin St. … “beginning at an iron stake in the center of Franklin St. Cook & Foil’s corner of storehouse lot ; and runs with their line S41W 6 poles and 21 links to an iron stake, Cook & Foil corner on W. R. Kindley’s N49W 1 pole to grate bar Kindley’s corner; thence with Kindley’s line S43W 5 poles and 4 links to a stone, Kindley’s other corner on Ludwig’s line; thence with his line N41E 12 poles to an iron stke near center of Franklin St.; thence with said street S53E 7 poles and 15 links to the beginning, containing 82 sq poles and is same lot conveyed to Cook & Foil by James P. Cook and wife, Margaret N. Cook [CDB 86, p 238, May 1899].”
Third Lot: On the east side of N. Main St. in Mt. Pleasant and known as the Bangle property beginning at a stake on the west side of Main St., in W. R. Scott’s line, now L. A. Lentz line, and runs S3W 9 poles and 20 links to a stake in the south edge of the public well in the said Scott’s line, now A. M. Nussman’s line; thence S87E 11 poles and 14 links to a stake, L. G. Heilig, now L. J. Foil’s corner; thence N3E 8 poles and 18 links to stake said Heilig corner in M. Cook’s, now Jesse Shuping’s line; thence N 80W 11 poles and 19 links to the beginning, containing 106 sq poles more or less and is the lot conveyed to Jonas Cook & Lawson J. Foil by Ellen Bangle and others by deed [CDB 67, p. 230, Apr 1906].”
Fourth Lot: In No. 8 Township, Cabarrus Co. Beginning at an iron stake on the east side of N. Main St. and S74 1/4E 54 ft and 8 inches from a large cedar tree on the west side of said street (cedar tree being on College Campus grounds) and runs S88 3/4E 286 ft to an iron stake on Fullar Lowder’s line and Francis Kent corner (an iron stake), thence on line on south side of Cemetery St. N88 3/4W 286 ft to an iron stake in said forks of Street in center of sidewalk; thence N1 1/4E 137 ft to the beginning, containing 7/8 of an acre.”
*[Note: George H. Nussman was the brother-in-law of Harry E. Foil]
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 129, p. 305
28 Feb 1933
The Board of Trustees of Mont Amoena Female Seminary transferred E, M. Dry, D. D. Barrier and J. B. McAllister, Elders of the Trustees of Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church the property of Mont Amoena Seminary described as “beginning at an iron stake the northeast intersection of South Main St. and Fisher Avenue [Lee St], thence with the eastern margin of South Main St, N7W488.5 to an iron stake, Fisher’s corner on South Main St, thence with Fisher’s lin S87E 291.5 ft to an iron stake, Fisher’s corner, thence N14 1/4E 33.9 ft to an iron stake, Fisher’s corner, thence S69 1/2E 404.5 ft to an iron stake, thence S3/4E 14.6 ft to an iron stake, thence S20 1/2E 122 ft to an iron stake in the edge of Seminary Ave., thence with the margin of Seminary Ave S16 3/4W 273.9 ft to an iron stake intersection of Seminary Ave and Fisher Ave, thence with the margin of Fisher Ave. N86 3/4W 586.3 ft to an iron stake.”
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 134, p.201
3 Jun 1935
J. B. McAllister and wife, Myrtie E. McAllister, leased to the Texas Company, a corporation of Delaware, a town lot “on the north side of W. Franklin St. in Mt. Pleasant adjoining the lands of L. A. Lentz, J. A. Smith and others beginning at G. R. Blackwelder’s corner in McAllister’s line and runs S33 1/2W 16 poles and 23 links to an iron stake in the south edge of North pavement of W. Franklin St., thence S50E 6 poles and 8 links to an iron stake in the south edge of north pavement of W. Franklin St, L. A. Lentz corner, thence with Lentz line N321/2E 16 poles and 10 1/2 links to a cedar post in Sarah A. Misenheimer’s line, thence with said line N79 1/4W 15 1/2 links to a stake, thence N30 1/2E 4 poles and 10 links to a stake, thence N75W 5 poles and 6 links to the beginning, containing 5/8 acres, more or less. Together with one service station building to be constructed, size 14’ x 20’ Station to be constructed of brick and white stucco, with two restrooms complete with lavatory and toilet in each, also running water and electric wiring. There will be a canopy constructed over pump island in front of station, same to have not less than sixteen light outlets. Drive will be concrete from highway to pump island with crushed stone on inside of drive from pump island to service station.” The lease was registered on 23 Sep 1935.
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 143, p. 108
10 Apr 1937
Mrs. Nina Foil (widow of H. E. Foil) sold to Dr. A. L. Barringer for $10 and other considerations, a building and lot on W. Franklin St. described as “on the south side of (West) Franklin St. adjoining the lands of W. D. Foil and others and bounded as follows, beginning at an iron stake in the south side of W. Franklin St. a corner of W. D. Foil and runs with his line S47W 40 ft. and 1 1/2 inches to an iron stake Foil’s corner, thence his line N46W 21.7 ft to an iron stake a new corner, thence a new line N47E 39 ft 1 1/2 inches to an iron stake in the south edge of W. Franklin St. a new corner, thence with the south edge of W. Franklin St. S46E 21.7 ft to the beginning. Together with a right-of-way ten feet in width and extending back the depth of this lot on the west side of this lot and east side of the building now occupied by the Post Office. This being a part of that property as shown recorded in CDB 86, p. 236. Included in above is the agreement and right to use walls, 40 ft, 1 1/2 inches and 21.7 ft being property of W. D. Foil.”
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 142, p. 280
4 Jun 1937
Leah J. Fisher of Cabarrus Co. NC & E. Fulenwider and wife, Verona (Blackwelder), of Alamance Co. NC, sold to Robert L. Patterson and his wife, Virginia (Blackwelder), a ten acre tract of land fronting on N. Main St. in Mt. Pleasant “lying between the lots of Thayer and O. A. Barringer (to the north) and the William Fisher/Lawson Herrin lot to the south.” This lot was further described as the G. W. Blackwelder home. The land had been purchased by Blackwelder from Jonas Cook (7 1/2 acres in 1883 (see 41, p. 555 above) and 1 1/2 acres from W. R. Kindley in 1904 (see 62, 118, above)]
Cabarrus Co. Deed Book 165, p. 240
27 Oct 1941 H. E. Cline, acting as Commissioner, representing the Trustees of St. John’s Evangelical Church (ie. H. E. Cline, Victor L. Petrea, J. L. Cress and L. D. Miller, Pastor), sold at public auction to Paul B. Foil for $2,625, a tract of land in Mt. Pleasant known as the Jacob Ludwig estate. The property was described as “beginning at an iron stake on the west side of S. Main St., said iron stake being the Southwest corner of the property of J. J. Bunn and runs thence with the line of J. J. Bunn, N84 3/4W, 93.8 ft. to an iron stake, thence with the line of said J. J. Bunn N56 1/4W 183.5 ft to a corner of the property of M. C. Barringer, thence with the line of M. C. Barringer N52 1/4W, 56.8 ft. to an iron stake a corner of M. C. Barringer and G. H. Nussman, thence with the line of G. H. Nussman S33 1/4W, 240.3 ft. to an iron stake in the line of M. C. Barringer, thence with the line of M. C. Barringer S65E, 216.8 ft. to an iron stake, thence with the line of said Barringer S76E, 214 ft. to an iron stake in the west edge of S. Main St., thence with S. Main St. N5 1/4E,200.1 ft. to an iron stake, the beginning corner.” This is the site of the “Ludwig House” and the Paula Theater building on S. Main St. in MP.
Cabarrus Plat Book 6, p. 43
On 29 Dec 1941, the property of the former North Carolina College/Mt. Pleasant Collegiate Institute was sold at public auction. The 19+ acre tract was divided into 100 lots and offered for sale. The existing buildings included in the sale were the Main Administration Building, Society Hall, the “New” Dormitory, the President’s house and the Boarding Hall. The lots were sold in groups to the following persons.
Lots 1-10, & 53-62 to Dr. A. L. Barringer (CDB 202, p. 301) for $500. The lots ran along N. Main St. and Elm St. and to the rear of the new dormitory.
Lots 11-14 to Robert L. Moose (CDB 171, p. 285) for $114. The lots were adjacent to N. Main St.
Lots 15-26 to Dr. D. L. L. Ezzell (CDB 192, p. 248) for $390. The lots were adjacent to N. Main St. and south of Lots 11-14.
Lots 27-35 to L. H. Barringer (CDB 168, pp. 109 & 110) for $953. These lots were adjacent to N. Main St. and Walnut St. and lots 33 & 34 included the President’s house.
Lots 36-40 to Hoy A. Moose (CDB 168, p. 111) for $900. These lots included Society Hall.
Lots 41-52 to A. P. Furr, A. C. Widenhouse & W. J. Widenhouse for $3,860. These lots included the main Administration building.
Lots 63-77 to A. W. Fisher (CDB 171, p. 287) for $186. These lots were on the east side of College St.
Lots 78-86 to Lee McAllister (CDB 168, p. 61) for $734. These lots included the Boarding House on the east side of College St.
Lots 87-97 No record of sale.
Lots 97-98 to Kindley Mill [A. N. James] (CDB 168, p. 239) for $120. These were two very large lots lying east of the previous lots and adjacent to Kindley Mill property.
Two un-numbered lots were allocated to the Town of Mt. Pleasant via Sam J. Linker. These lots east of College St. and “behind” Society Hall, were designated as the space allocated to the Town water tank.